J-GLOBAL ID:201801001738421196   Update date: Dec. 04, 2024

Takashi Kido

Takashi Kido
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Cardiovascular surgery
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2018 - 2019 The administration of high-morbidity group box 1 fragment prevents deterioration of cardiac performance in the delta-sarcoglycan-deficient hamster
Papers (44):
  • Kazuki Tanimoto, Takashi Kido, Masaki Taira, Takuji Watanabe, Jun Narita, Hidekazu Ishida, Ryo Ishii, Takayoshi Ueno, Shigeru Miyagawa. A case of truncus arteriosus with severe heart failure and pulmonary stenosis: bridge to transplant candidacy with surgical correction and a ventricular-assist device. Journal of artificial organs : the official journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Organs. 2024
  • Takashi Kido, Kazuki Tanimoto, Takuji Watanabe, Masaki Taira, Jun Narita, Hidekazu Ishida, Ryo Ishii, Takayoshi Ueno, Shigeru Miyagawa. Myocardial calcification: case reports and a systematic review. European heart journal. Imaging methods and practice. 2024. 2. 3. qyae079
  • Koji Miwa, Sanae Tsumura, Tomomitsu Kanaya, Takashi Kido, Yuji Tominaga, Shota Kawai, Yuta Teguri. Impact of the Rudimentary Chamber on Outcomes in Fontan Patients. World journal for pediatric & congenital heart surgery. 2024. 15. 3. 270-276
  • Paul Philipp Heinisch, Takashi Kido, Melchior Burri, Anastasiya Kornyeva, Jannik Mertin, Janez Vodiskar, Martina Strbad, Julie Cleuziou, Alfred Hager, Peter Ewert, et al. Impact of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection in Staged Single Ventricle Palliation. The Annals of thoracic surgery. 2023. 115. 5. 1213-1221
  • Takashi Kido, Christoph Stern, Paul Philipp Heinisch, Melchior Burri, Janez Vodiskar, Martina Strbad, Julie Cleuziou, Bettina Ruf, Peter Ewert, Alfred Hager, et al. The impact of pulmonary artery size on midterm outcomes after nonfenestrated Fontan operation. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 2023. 165. 5. 1651-1660
MISC (107):
  • Teguri Yuta, Kido Takashi, Miwa Koji, Kanaya Tomomitsu, Iwai Shigemitsu, Aoki Hisaaki, Tsumura Sanae. Staged biventricular repair in a premature neonate with critical aortic stenosis, severe mitral regurgitation, and fetal hydrops: a case report(タイトル和訳中). General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Cases. 2024. 3. s44215-4
  • 木戸 高志, 平 将生, 渡邊 卓次, 石井 良, 石田 秀和, 成田 淳, 美馬 響, 世良 英子, 吉岡 大輔, 島村 和男, et al. Referrals and Transitions to Adult Cardiologists in the Management of Adult Patients with Complex Congenital Heart Disease(タイトル和訳中). 日本循環器学会学術集会抄録集. 2024. 88回. PL02-5
  • 上野 高義, 渡邊 卓次, 平 将生, 木戸 高志, 吉岡 大輔, 島村 和男, 宮川 繁. PVR/TPVIを考察する Pulmonary Valve Replacement 効果とdurabilityからみた適応. 日本成人先天性心疾患学会雑誌. 2024. 13. 1. 103-103
  • 渡邊 卓次, 平 将生, 木戸 高志, 久呉 洋介, 長谷川 然, 永島 利章, 谷本 和紀, 吉岡 大輔, 島村 和男, 上野 高義, et al. ファロー四徴術後遠隔期における大動脈弁閉鎖不全の発症・増悪関連因子の検討. 日本成人先天性心疾患学会雑誌. 2024. 13. 1. 177-177
  • 三輪 晃士, 津村 早苗, 金谷 知潤, 木戸 高志, 手繰 優太. 総肺静脈還流異常症における術前左室サイズが術後遠隔期の左室拡張能に与える影響. 日本胸部外科学会定期学術集会. 2023. 76回. COP9-1
Patents (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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