J-GLOBAL ID:201801001766138017
Update date: Jul. 17, 2024
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Neuroscience - general
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2022 - 2025 個体間リズム引き込み現象を指標とした社会形成の神経基盤解明
- 2019 - 2022 Neural substrates for interpersonal rhythm entrainment as a social relationship
- 2008 - 2009 Functional difference and relationship between cerebrum and cerebellum for bimanual coordination
- 2006 - 2007 運動生成に関連する小脳ボールド信号の時空間パターン解析
Papers (16):
Saeka Tomatsu, GeeHee Kim, Shinji Kubota, Kazuhiko Seki. Presynaptic gating of monkey proprioceptive signals for proper motor action. Nature Communications. 2023. 14. 6537. 1-14
Saeka Tomatsu, Masaki Isoda. Tuning in to real-time social interactions in macaques. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2023. 120. 23. e2301614120
Shinji Kakei, Hirokazu Tanaka, Takahiro Ishikawa, Saeka Tomatsu, Jongho Lee. The Input-Output Organization of the Cerebrocerebellum as Kalman Filter. Contemporary Clinical Neuroscience. 2021. 391-411
Tomohiko Takei, Joachim Confais, Saeka Tomatsu, Tomomichi Oya, Kazuhiko Seki. Neural basis for hand muscle synergies in the primate spinal cord. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2017. 114. 32. 8643-8648
Joachim Confais, Geehee Kim, Saeka Tomatsu, Tomohiko Takei, Kazuhiko Seki. Nerve-Specific Input Modulation to Spinal Neurons during a Motor Task in the Monkey. JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE. 2017. 37. 10. 2612-2626
MISC (7):
Takahiro Ishikawa, Saeka Tomatsu, Yoshiaki Tsunoda, Jongho Lee, Shinji Kakei. Simple spike activities of Purkinje cells in voluntary wrist movement. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2011. 71. E247-E247
李鍾昊, 戸松彩花, 閔庚甫, 石川享宏, 鏡原康裕, 筧慎治. 小脳障害における予測制御器とフィードバック制御器の異常. パーキンソン病・運動障害疾患コングレスプログラム・抄録集. 2011. 5th. 93
内藤 栄一, 上原 信太郎, 南部 功夫, 戸松 彩花, 鈴木 祐輔, 李 鍾昊, 筧 慎治. 運動前短時間感覚線維刺激でヒトの運動技能学習遅滞を克服する(Improving plateaued performance of acquired motor skill with brief pre-movement sensory manipulation in humans). 神経化学. 2010. 49. 2-3. 648-648
Eiichi Naito, Shintaro Uehara, Isao Nambu, Saeka Tomatsu, Yusuke Suzuki, Jongho Lee, Shinji Kakehi. Improving plateaued performance of acquired motor skill with brief pre-movement sensory manipulation in humans. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2010. 68. E279-E279
Saeka Tomatsu, Shinji Kakei. Golgi cell activities for execution of wrist movements. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2008. 61. S172-S172
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