J-GLOBAL ID:201801001826621758
Update date: Oct. 03, 2024
イノウエ カホ | INOUE Kaho
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Research field (1):
Aesthetics and art studies
Research keywords (4):
mensural theory
, music theory
, medieval music
, musicology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
- 2022 - 2025 Functions of Notation and Musical Manuscripts in Medieval Europe
- 2021 - 2023 Theory of Rhythm in the Long Thirteenth-Century European Music
- 2021 - 2022 Musical Manuscripts in Long Thirteenth-Century Europe
- 2020 - 2021 The Reception and Tradition of Franco of Cologne's 'Ars cantus mensurabilis'
- 2020 - 2021 Creativity in 'Long Thirteenth-Century' European Musical Culture
- 2020 - 2021 The Reception and Transmission of Franco of Cologne's 'Ars cantus mensurabilis'
- 2019 - 2020 Internationality and Locality in "Long-Thirteenth-Century" European Musical Culture
- 2019 - Semibreves in the Thirteenth-Century Mensural Theory
- 2019 - Ligatures in the Appendix to Amerus’s 'Practica artis musicae'
- 2019 - 2019 Mensural Music in the Thirteenth Century: Theory, Notation and Repertories
- 2018 - 2018 Ligatures in Notational Examples in the Six Sources of Franco of Cologne’s ‘Ars cantus mensurabilis’
- 2018 - 'Musica' and Scholasticism at Universities in the Late Middle Ages
- 2018 - Thirteenth-Century Mensural Theory: Johannes de Garlandia, Lambertus, and Franco of Cologne
- 2015 - 2018 Rhythmic Interpretation of Pre-Mensural Notation on the Basis of Pre-Franconian Theory
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Papers (10):
Kaho Inoue. Functions of Ligatures in Pre-Franconian Theory. 2021
Kaho Inoue. Franco of Cologne, Ars cantus mensurabilis: Ligature, Notation and Mode. Ars Antiqua: Music and Culture in Europe c. 1150-1330. 2021. 97-112
Kaho INOUE. Ligatures in Ars Antiqua Theory and Notation. 2020
Kaho INOUE. Mensural Theory and Notation in the Anonymous Appendix to Amerus' "Practica artis musicae". The Journal of Musicology (Ongaku-gaku). 2020. 66. 1
Kaho Inoue. Opposita proprietas in the Thirteenth Century. Think of the World through Music: Festschrift Honouring the Retirement of Professor Eizaburo Tsuchida Think of the World through Music: Festschrift Honouring the Retirement of Professor Eizaburo Tsuchida. 2020. 334-349
MISC (8):
Kaho Inoue. Elizabeth Eva LEACH, Joseph W. MASON & Matthew P. THOMSON (eds.), A Medieval Songbook Trouvère MS C. Medieval European Studies. 2023. 15. 190-191
Kaho INOUE. 'Comfort' in the Mediterranean: Winchester as a Comfortable City. Collegium Mediterranistarum Monthly Bulletin. 2023. 456. 8-8
Kaho INOUE. Music Culture in Long Thirteenth-Century Europe. The Monthly Bulletin of the Collegium Mediterranistarum. 2021. 445. 6-6
Food and Music as Healing in Japan, Britain, and Italy. Collegium Mediterranistarum Monthly Bulletin. 2020. 328. 6-6
Kaho INOUE. My Life in Southampton. The Monthly Bulletin of the Collegium Mediterranistarum. 2018. 415. 6
Books (1):
‘Robert le Diable’ and the Paris Opera: The Study of the Nineteenth-Century Grand Opéra
Sophia University Press 2019
Lectures and oral presentations (26):
Post-Franconian Theory and ‘Gaudent brevitate moderni’ (c. 1300)
(The 75th Annual Meeting of Musicological Society of Japan 2024)
Discordance between Authors and Scribes in Medieval Musical Treatises: Ligature Notation in Johannes de Garlandia’s 'De musica mensurabili'
(The 7th Conference of the International Musicological Society Regional Association for East Asia (IMSEA 2023) 2023)
Disagreement on Notational Examples between Authors and Scribes: Franco of Cologne, 'Ars cantus mensurabilis' (c. 1280)
(The 15th Japan Society for Medieval European Studies 2023)
Redefinition of Post-Franconian Theory and Notation
(The 73rd Congress of the Musicological Society of Japan 2022)
Reading Misunderstanding: Medieval and Renaissance Mensural Theory after c. 1600
(The 6th Conference of the International Musicological Society Regional Association for East Asia (IMSEA 2022))
Education (4):
- 2015 - 2021 Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Music PhD in Musicology
- 2017 - 2020 University of Southampton Humanities Graduate School PhD in Music
- 2013 - 2015 Tokyo University of the Arts Department of Musicology, Graduate School of Music MA in Music
- 2009 - 2013 Tokyo University of the Arts Faculty of Music BA in Music, Department of Musicology
Professional career (4):
- Bachelor of Music (Tokyo University of the Arts)
- Master of Music (Tokyo University of the Arts)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Musicology (Tokyo University of the Arts)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Music (University of Southampton)
Work history (13):
- 2021/04 - 現在 Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Music Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- 2021/09 - 2024/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Overseas Research Fellow
- 2021/04 - 2024/03 University of Southampton Postdoctoral Researcher
- 2020/04 - 2020/09 Nomura Foundation 2019 Autumn Semester Scholar
- 2018/09 - 2020/09 Japan Student Services Organisation (JASSO) Scholar
- 2019/10 - 2020/03 Nomura Foundation 2019 Autumn Semester Scholar
- 2019/04 - 2019/09 Nomura Foundation 2019 Spring Semester Scholar
- 2018/10 - 2019/03 Nomura Foundation 2018 Autumn Semester Scholar
- 2018/04 - 2018/09 Nomura Foundation 2018 Spring Semester Scholar
- 2015/04 - 2018/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Doctoral Research Fellow (DC1)
- 2015/04 - 2017/03 Tokyo University of the Arts Teaching Assistant
- 2013/04 - 2015/03 Nomura-Gakugei Foundation Scholar
- 2014/07 - 2014/07 Tokyo University of the Arts Extension lecture on 'pipa' (Chinese stringed instrument) Lecturer’s Assistant
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Awards (8):
- 2020/04 - The Brumfit Postgraduate Research Fund Brumfit Postgraduate Research Award
- 2019/04 - The Royal Musical Association The Frank Howes Research Grant
- 2019/01 - Music & Letters Trust Music & Letters Award
- 2018/08 - The British Council Japan Association Scholarship
- 2017/08 - Tokyo University of the Arts Student Exchange Support Scholarship
- 2015/03 - Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate Acanthus Music Prize
- 2013/03 - Tokyo University of the Arts Dosei-kai (Alumni) Prize
- 2013/03 - Tokyo University of the Arts Acanthus Music Prize
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Association Membership(s) (7):
International Musicological Society
, The Royal Musical Association
, Collegium Mediterranistarum
, The Japan Society for Medieval European Studies
, The Musicological Society of Japan
, The Society for Music Theory
, The Plainsong and Medieval Music Society
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