Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
2021 - 2024 戦争体験世代の自分史分析深化による自分史体系化へ向けての基礎的研究
MISC (5):
釋 七月子. Memories of the War and Transition in Personal History Writing : Approaches from Books on How to Write One's Own Personal History. 跨境 : 日本語文学研究 = Border crossings : the journal of Japanese-language literature studies. 2017. 4. 153-169
釋 七月子. The Person Who Experienced War Does Not Have a Postwar Life : An examination of the succession to the war experience found in many autobiographies. 名古屋大学人文科学研究. 2014. 42. 1-14
釋 七月子. Autobiography : advent of a new era. Juncture : 超域的日本文化研究. 2014. 5. 168-170
釋 七月子. Fiction in Autobiography : Focusing on My Baby by Masako Suzuki. Juncture : 超域的日本文化研究. 2013. 4. 102-112