J-GLOBAL ID:201801002719829598
Update date: Jul. 02, 2024
Noriko Nishimura
ニシムラ ノリコ | Noriko Nishimura
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Economic statistics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
- 2024 - 2028 少子高齢化時代の農業ファミリービジネスと女性経営参画ー長期公的パネルデータ分析ー
- 2019 - 2023 若手農家の参入時における家族の役割の解明ー大規模世帯員パネルデータの利用ー
- 2014 - 2018 International comparison on work-life balance by women in the farm households; management participation, business start-up and social contribution
- 2014 - 2017 A Study of Marriage Problem of the Japanese Farmhouse Male and Socioeconomic Differentials by Economic Approach
- 2003 - 2005 スリランカの少子・高齢化問題に関する研究-家族形成とその構成に関する実証分析-
Papers (10):
西村教子. 「農林業センサス」世帯員パネルデータの構築からみえるものー農家の経営継承と新規参入の特徴ー. 統計. 2024. 75. 7. 51-54
仙田 徹志, 西村 教子, 吉田 嘉雄. 農林業センサスの高度利用 : 世帯パネルから世帯員パネルへ (特集 数字でつかむ日本の農業 : センサスにみる構造変化) -- (センサスを活かす : 2020年世界農林業センサスに望むもの). 農業と経済. 2017. 83. 5. 71-80
John Laitner, Keiichiro Matsushita, Noriko Nishimura. Technological Progress and the Wage Growth of Older Japanese Workers. The Review of Socionetwork Strategies. 2013. 7. 2. 65-83
西村 教子. Decomposition of the decrease in the number of births since 1960 in Tottori Prefecture. Bulletin of Tottori University of Environmental Studies. 2009. 7. 41-55
NISHIMURA Noriko. The Features of Household Structure and Family Support for Elderly Persons in Urban Area,Sri Lanka. Bulletin of Tottori University of Environmental Studies. 2006. 4. 91-105
MISC (6):
Why Don`t Unmarried Male Search for A Marriage Partner?:Risk Aversion and Procrastination Behavior. RISS Discussion Paper Series. 2023. 108. 1-16
The Impact of Risk Aversion and Time Reference on the Increase of Unmarried Male and Male Late Marriages. RISS Discussion Paper Series. 2020. 82. 1-15
西村教子, 仙田徹志, 吉田嘉雄. 農林業センサスにおける世帯員パネルデータの構築実験. 農林水産統計デジタルアーカイブWorking Paper Series. 2017. 6. 1-14
西村教子, 仙田徹志, 吉田嘉雄. 日本の農家配偶者女子の就業行動の規定要因に関する考察. 農林水産統計デジタルアーカイブ講座Working Paper Series. 2016. 5. 1-13
Risk Aversion, Time Preference and Cognitive Ability in Asset Choice:Based on Survey of Attitudes in Japanese Decision-Making, 2014. RISS Discussion Paper Series. 2015. 37. 1-32
Lectures and oral presentations (15):
(公的統計ミクロデータ研究コンソーシアム シンポジウム2023 2023)
Do Risk Aversion and Procrastination Behavior discourage Unmarried Men from Marriage Hunting?
The Impact of Risk Aversion and Time Reference on Increased Unmarried Male and Male Late Marriages
(2020年度統計関連学会連合大会 2020)
(2019年度統計連合大会 2019)
Education (1):
- 1995 - 2001 Kobe University Graduate Schoole of International Cooperation Studies
Work history (1):
- 2015/04 - 現在 Tottori University of Environmental Studies Faculty of Business Administration Department of Business Administration Professor
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 経済統計学会
, 国際開発学会
, 日本地域学会
, 日本人口学会
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