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Kazuki Kioka, Yuki Aikawa, Yusuke Wakasugi, Takahiro Narukawa, Tomoya Fukuyasu, Makoto Ohtsuki, Takenori Yamashita, Nobuaki Sasai, Naomi Omi. Soy protein intake increased bone mineral density under nonenergy-deficiency conditions but decreased it under energy-deficiency conditions in young female rats. Nutrition research (New York, N.Y.). 2022. 106. 1-11
Satoshi Hattori, Yuki Aikawa, Naomi Omi. Female Athlete Triad and Male Athlete Triad Syndrome Induced by Low Energy Availability: An Animal Model. Calcified tissue international. 2022. 111. 2. 116-123
Yuki Aikawa, Takenori Yamashita, Naoya Nakai, Kazuhiko Higashida. Low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet, and running exercise influence bone parameters in old mice. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 2022. 132. 5. 1204-1212
OGISO,, Yosuke, EDAMOTO,, KANAKO, AIKAWA,, Yuki, SEKI,, Kazutoshi, TAKAGI,, Yusuke. Changes of upper arm muscle hardness, upper arm circumference, lower leg muscle hardness, lower leg circumference, and the indices of fatigue during the hiking of Mt. Ibuki using a driveway and the next morning. Bulletin of University of East Asia. 2024. 39. 1-8
髙木 祐介, 小木曽 洋介, 相川 悠貴, 枝元 香菜子, 家吉 彩夏, 関 和俊. 気管支喘息の現病歴を有する成人男性の伊吹山登山時及び頂上近辺滞在時における肺機能の変化に関する事例研究-A case study of the changes of pulmonary function in one individual with a current medical history of bronchial asthma during the hiking or the staying of Mt. Ibuki. ウォーキング研究 = Walking research. 2022. 26. 119-124
HORI Amane, TAKAGI Yusuke, AIKAWA Yuki, FUKUCHI Kaori, YOSHIKAWA Akari, FUJIHARA Sayane, OGISO Yosuke, SHIMOMURA Yukari, IEYOSHI Ayaka, EDAMOTO Kanako, et al. Blood pressure response to isometric handgrip exercise in healthy young women while hiking at an altitude of 1,200 m. Taiikugaku kenkyu (Japan Journal of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences). 2022. 67. 761-773
関 和俊, 相川 悠貴, 福地 かおり, 小木曽 洋介, 吉川 明里, 枝元 香菜子, 藤原 紗音, 下村 有佳里, 堀 天, 髙木 祐介. 伊吹山初登山者におけるガイド同行登山が主観的運動強度および心理学的指標に及ぼす影響-The effect of the Guided-hiking on the changes of rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and Mood Check List-short form 2 (MCL-S.2) during the one-day Mt.Ibuki hiking in first hikers. ウォーキング研究 = Walking research. 2020. 24. 19-23
2017/03 - 筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科体育科学専攻長賞 The Preventive Effect of Calcium Supplementation on Weak Bones Caused by the Interaction of Exercise and Food Restriction in Young Female Rats During the Period from Acquiring Bone Mass to Maintaining Bone Mass