J-GLOBAL ID:201801003926424030
Update date: Sep. 05, 2022
Futagami Shiho
フタガミ シホ | Futagami Shiho
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2012 - 現在 職業教育・訓練の日欧比較研究:エンプロイアビリティとキーコンピテンシー開発の分析
Papers (25):
Shiho Futagami, Yukiko Muramoto. A Study on Work Attitudes of Japanese Employees from the Perspective of Decent Work. Transition Studies Review. 2017. 24. 2. 21-29
Shiho Futagami, Marilyn Helms. Employment Challenges in Japan: Age and Gender Dimensiions. Japan Studies Review. 2017. XXI. pp.51-67
Shiho Futagami, Marilyn Helms. Can Women Avoid the Rice Paper Ceiling? A SWOT Analysis Entrepreneurship in Japan. SAM Advanced Management Journal. 2017. 82. 2. 40-52
FUTAGAMI Shiho. A Study on Disability Management. Yokohama Business Review. 2016. 37. 1. 13-28
二神 枝保. 人的資源管理への招待. 横浜経営研究. 2015. 23. 3-13
Books (15):
八千代出版 2017 ISBN:9784842917122
中央経済社 2017 ISBN:9784502201615
中央経済社 2015
Economic Integration in Asia:Towards the Delineation of a Sustainable Path
Palgrave Macmillan 2014
勉誠出版 2010
Education (3):
- - 1996 Waseda University Graduate School, Division of Commerce Doctor Course of Commerce,
- - 1993 Waseda University Graduate School of Commerce, Master Degree of Commerce,
- - 1991 Waseda University Faculty of Commerce Diploma of Commerce,
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Economics (Kyoto University)
Work history (11):
- 2011/04 - 現在 Yokohama National University International Graduate School of Social Sciences
- 1997/04 - 現在 Waseda University School of Science and Engineering
- 2015/03 - Kedge Business School
- 2013/06 - 2013/07 Bordeaux Management School
- 1998/04 - 2011/03 Yokohama National University
- 2007/10 - 2008/09 ILO客員教授
- 2007/10 - 2008/09 チューリッヒ大学客員教授
- 2002/09 - 2003/06 WHU客員教授
- 1997/07 - 1997/09 ボン大学 客員研究員
- 1994/04 - 1997/03 Waseda University School of Commerce
- 1996/03 - 1996/07 日立茨城工業専門学院講師
Show all
Awards (2):
- 1998/08 - 産業・組織心理学会若手研究活動支援賞-海外研究部門-受賞
- 1995/09 - 経営哲学学会研究奨励賞
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