2019 - 2024 Multiple resilience against determinacy: Challenges for studies in fisheries commodity supplychains
2019 - 2023 「前競争的協働」時代の国際水産認証制度とエコラベルの役割変化に関する研究
2018 - 2021 Development of portfolio fishing theory and policy to build resilience in Japanese multispecies fisheries
2017 - 2020 Development of water-saving irrigation technology for groundwater conservation by introducing local environmental knowledge and a trans-disciplinary approach
2014 - 2018 The analysis on the transition of non-governmental resource management governance through International seafood sustainability certification schemes
Reiko Omoto, Masato Uehara, Daigo Seki, Masaru Kinjo. Supply Chain-Based Coral Conservation: The Case of Mozuku Seaweed Farming in Onna Village, Okinawa. Sustainability. 2024. 16. 7. 2713-2713
The Relevance of International Seafood Sustainability Certification Schemes in the Era of Pre-Competitive Collaboration. 2023. 29. 38-51
Reiko Omoto. Mobilising international resource management certification schemes: Re-configuration of the global shark fin supply network by producers. Geo: Geography and Environment. 2023. 10. 1
The Role of Region-Based Enterprises in Place-Specific Marketing Using Regionally Embedded Resources: The Case of Heritage Variety Apple in Iizuna Town, Nagano. 2017. 18. 18. 82-88
Salmon-Safe Certification in the Pacific Northwest of the United States
(World Social Science Forum 2018 2018)
生物多様性保全を生活に取り込むツールとしての認証制度 -認証リテラシーの普及をめざしてー
(UNDB-Jフォーラム in 東京 2017)
The value chain with eco-certification featuring flagship species-the case of Stork-Safe rice production in Japa
(World Congress of Rural Sociology 2016 2016)
"Localizing” the UNESCO Eco-Park: the initiatives of Aya Biosphere Reserve in Japan
(MAB-BIRUP Workshop Promoting Green Economies in Biosphere Reserves Through Certification, Labelling and Branding Schemes 2015)
Transformation of Framing of Seafood Sustainability Certification Schemes
(World Congress of Sociology 2014)