J-GLOBAL ID:201801004373478834
Update date: Apr. 01, 2024
Nakatani Sanae
ナカタニ サナエ | Nakatani Sanae
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (3):
Art history
, Local studies
, History - Europe/America
Research keywords (3):
, U.S.-Japan Relations
, Japanese American History
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2022 - 2026 The Role of Nisei Designers in Debates on Mid-Century Modernism and Cultural Diversity
Papers (4):
Sanae Nakatani. Nisei Designs: Japanese American Cultural Producers Negotiating Identities during the Cold War. University of Hawaii at Manoa. 2017
Sanae Nakatani. Blueprints for New Designs: Japanese American Cultural Ambassadorship during the Cold War. Journal of Asian American Studies. 2016. 19. 3. 351-374
Sanae Nakatani. "Successful" Nisei: Politics of Representation and the Cold War American Way of Life. Pacific and American Studies. 2015. 15. 143-162
Sanae Nakatani. Staging Democracy and Multiculturalism: The 1970 Osaka Exposition and the Hawai‘i Pavilion. Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas. 2015. 1. 40-62
Books (1):
Unpredictable Agents: The Making of Japan’s Americanists During the Cold War and Beyond
University of Hawaii Press 2021 ISBN:0824888847
Lectures and oral presentations (6):
The Racial Geography of 1950s Detroit and Minoru Yamasaki's Architecture
(Global Asias Conference 2023)
Learning as Resistance and Empowerment: A Story behind George Nakashima's Odakyu Cabinet
(Moonscape of the Mind: Japanese American Design after Internment 2023)
The Land She Could Never Call Home Again: America in My Family History
(日本アメリカ学会 2021)
Challenging Modernism: Isamu Noguchi’s Garden for UNESCO
(American Studies Association 2019)
Negotiating Japaneseness: Mixed-Race Nisei Artist Isamu Noguchi in U.S.-Occupied Japan
(Japanese Association for American Studies pro-seminar 2017)
Education (1):
- 2009 - 2017 University of Hawaii at Manoa American Studies
Professional career (1):
- PhD in American Studies (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Work history (2):
- 2018/04 - 現在 Tokyo Metropolitan University University Education Center Associate Professor
- 2016/04 - 2018/03 Kansai Gaidai University College of Foreign Studies Assistant Professor
Committee career (1):
- 2021/06 - 現在 Japanese Association for American Studies International Committee
Association Membership(s) (3):
, Asian American Studies Association
, American Studies Association
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