Tamura, Norie, Akitu, Motoki. The Potential of Participatory Action Research in Rural Sociology Studies: A Case Study of Establishing Agri-Food Policies in Kameoka City. Annual Bulletin of Rural Studies. 2023. 59. 53-90
Rachelle K. Gould, Tomomi Saito, Karen E. Allen, Aletta Bonn, Mollie Chapman, Laÿna Droz, Thora M. Herrmann, Austin Himes, Hiroe Ishihara, Marcondes G. Coelho-Junior, et al. Constraint breeds creativity: A brainstorming method to jumpstart out-of-the-box thinking for sustainability science. BioScience. 2023. 73. 10. 703-710
真貝理香, 田村典江, SPIEGELBERG Maximilian, RUPPRECHT Christoph. Current Status of Beekeeping Registration and its Potential Role in Honeybee and Wild Pollinator Protection. 野生生物と社会学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集. 2021. 26th (Web)
Toward Convivial empathy of humanities and nature
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The Tragedy of Weather Commons?: Talking about Research and Development Programs for Weather Control in Japan
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