Research keywords (4):
Affine algebraic surfaces
, Logarithmic Kodaira dimension
, Normal algebraic surfaces
, Open algebraic surfaces
Research theme for competitive and other funds (17):
2021 - 2024 Structure and logarithmic plurigenera of normal affine surfaces
2017 - 2020 開代数曲面と正規代数曲面の研究
2015 - 2019 Structural analysis of the automorphism group of a polynomial ring and its application
2014 - 2017 対数的小平次元が1以下となる開代数曲面と正規代数曲面の構造解明
2012 - 2017 高次元アフィン代数多様体の構造とユニポテント幾何
2012 - 2016 Study on Glois embedding of surface of non-general type
2011 - 2014 アフィン代数多様体の構造解明とその応用
2008 - 2011 開代数曲面の分類とその応用
2009 - 2011 Study on the various structures of algebraic surfaces by Galois embeddings
2005 - 2008 対数的小平次元が非負となる開代数曲面に関する研究
2007 - 2008 Study on the Galois embeddings of K3 surfaces
2005 - 2007 Complex analysis of residues currents and computational algebraic analysis
2005 - 2006 Study on Galois embeddings of algebraic surfaces
2002 - 2005 正規アフィン代数曲面の構造に関する研究
2003 - 2004 Algebraic Analysis of residue currents and an algorithm for computing Noether operators
2003 - 2004 Research on space curve and its Galois line
1998 - 1999 商特異点を持つ代数曲面と多項式環の不変部分環について
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Papers (45):
Kyohei Hattori, Hideo Kojima. Rings of nilpotent elements of monomial derivations on polynomial rings. Communications in Algebra. 2024. 52. 7. 2998-3009
Hideo Kojima. Smooth affine G_m-surfaces with finite Picard groups and trivial units. Tokyo Journal of Mathematics. 2023. 46. 1. 93-109
Hideo Kojima, Takeshi Takahashi. Normal log canonical del Pezzo surfaces of rank one and type (IIb). Saitama Mathematical Journal. 2022. 34. 47-72
Hideo Kojima. Some results on open algebraic surfaces of logarithmic Kodaira dimension zero. Journal of Algebra. 2020. 547. 238-261
Hideo Kojima. Singularities of Normal Log Canonical del Pezzo Surfaces of Rank One. Polynomial rings and affine algebraic geometry, Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 2020. 319. 199-208