J-GLOBAL ID:201801008568112953   Update date: Sep. 07, 2022

Kumon Kurato

クモン クラト | Kumon Kurato
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Economic history
Papers (6):
  • KUMON Kurato. The Top Management of Silk-Reeling Mills at Mid and Late Meiji Era : The Case of Gunze Mill. YOKOHAMA BUSINESS REVIEW. 2013. 33. 4. 567-582-582
  • Corporate Governance and Firms` Growth in Prewar Japan:A Case Study the Silk Industry. Waseda Business Review. 2004
  • Kumon Kurato. The Innovation of Silk-reeling Industry:As a Case Study of Gunze in the Middle of Meiji Era. YOKOHAMA BUSINESS REVIEW. 2001. 22. 2・3. 57-71-129
  • The financial management of silk-reeling firms in Shinsh area in the 1910s : The case of Oguchi-Kumi. The Journal of Mitsui Research Institute for Social and Economic History. 1999. 33. 227-270
  • The Silk-reeling Firm and The Money market for Silk-reeling Industry in the Interwar Japan. The Journal of Mitsui Research Institute for Social and Economic History. 1997. 31. 93-138
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