Atsuko Hanyu. A Study about Urakami, marginalized area from Nagasaki city. Rikkyo University Bulletin of Studies in Tourism. 2022. 24. 98-113
Atsuko Hanyu. Aki Shimazaki, l'écrivaine québécoise d'origine japonaise et ses pangalogies. Studies in Language and Literature Bulletin du CELL. 2022. 22. 53-66
Hanyu Atsuko. A Study about Reproductions of Lourdes : A case of Nagasaki. Proceedings of JITR;Annual Conference. 2020. 35. 137-140
Atsuko Hanyu. A Study about the French Navigator Champlain and his dreams in Quebec. REVUE JAPONAISE DES ÉTUDES QUÉBÉCOISES. 2020. 12. 53-56
Francophone literature and allophone writers in Quebec: a case of Aki Shimazaki
(International Conference on Dialogue between Sinophone and Orality 2021)
L'Association internationale des études québécoises
, Societe franco-japonaise des Sciences historigue
, 日本ケベック研究学会