J-GLOBAL ID:201801009492918240
Update date: Jul. 16, 2024
Imbe Masatoshi
Imbe Masatoshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Measurement engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2021 - 2024 熱放射の空間コヒーレンス制御による透過物体の温度計測法の開発
- 2019 - 2021 Temperature measurement by coherence of thermal radiation
- 2017 - 2019 Thermal radiation self-interference digital holography for three dimensional radiometric temperature measurement
Papers (17):
Masatoshi Imbe. Single-pixel imaging interferometer based on the synthesis of spatial coherence. Optics Letters. 2022. 47. 22. 5901-5904
Yuhei Shimizu, Masatoshi Imbe, Kenji Godo, Naohiko Sasajima, Hiroshi Koshikawa, Tetsuya Yamaki, Kuniaki Amemiya. High-precision flat-plate reference infrared radiator using perfect blackbody composite with a microcavity structure. APPLIED OPTICS. 2022. 61. 2. 517-522
Kuniaki Amemiya, Yuhei Shimizu, Naohiko Sasajima, Masatoshi Imbe, Kenji Godo. Reliability enhancement of non-contact fever screening technology (thermography, etc.) for quarantine inspection. Measurement: Sensors. 2021. 18. 100160-100160
Yuhei Shimizu, Hiroshi Koshikawa, Masatoshi Imbe, Tetsuya Yamaki, Kenji Godo, Naohiko Sasajima, Kuniaki Amemiya. Micro-cavity perfect blackbody composite with good heat transfer towards a flat-plate reference radiation source for thermal imagers. OPTICS LETTERS. 2021. 46. 19. 4871-4874
Masatoshi Imbe. Spatial axial shearing common-path interferometer for natural light. Applied Optics. 2020. 59. 36. 11332-11332
Professional career (1):
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