J-GLOBAL ID:201801012035434280
Update date: Nov. 10, 2024
Fujie Kentaro
フジエ ケンタロウ | Fujie Kentaro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (1):
Mathematical analysis
Research keywords (7):
, 反応拡散方程式
, 非線形偏微分方程式
, Keller-Segel system
, chemotaxis system
, parabolic equation
, functional equation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
Papers (23):
Kentaro Fujie. A short remark on comparison estimates in a chemotaxis system with local sensing. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B. 2023. 28. 10. 5355-5360
Kentaro Fujie, Takasi Senba. Global existence and infinite time blow-up of classical solutions to chemotaxis systems of local sensing in higher dimensions. Nonlinear Analysis. 2022. 222. 112987-112987
Kentaro Fujie, Takasi Senba. Global boundedness of solutions to a parabolic-parabolic chemotaxis system with local sensing in higher dimensions. Nonlinearity. 2022. 35. 7. 3777-3811
Kentaro Fujie, Jie Jiang. A note on construction of nonnegative initial data inducing unbounded solutions to some two-dimensional Keller-Segel systems. Mathematics in Engineering. 2022. 4. 6. 1-12
Kentaro Fujie, Jie Jiang. Boundedness of Classical Solutions to a Degenerate Keller-Segel Type Model with Signal-Dependent Motilities. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 2021. 176. 1
MISC (7):
Kentaro Fujie. Energy-Like Functional in a Quasilinear Parabolic Chemotaxis System. Springer INdAM Series. 2021. 47. 67-77
Fujie Kentarou. Global asymptotic stability in a chemotaxis-growth model for tumor invasion (Theory of Biomathematics and Its Applications XII : Mathematical and experimental approach to clarify patterns in a transition process). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2016. 1994. 121-127
Fujie Kentarou. Signal-dependent sensitivity preventing blow-up in a fully parabolic chemotaxis system (Reconsideration of the method of estimates on partial differential equations from a point of view of the theory on abstract evolution equations). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2016. 1984. 52-63
Fujie, K., Yokota, T. Boundedness of solutions to parabolic-elliptic chemotaxis-growth systems with signal-dependent sensitivity. Mathematica Bohemica. 2014. 139. 4. 639-647
Kentarou Fujie, Chihiro Nishiyama, Tomomi Yokota. Boundedness in a quasilinear parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel system with the sensitivity $v^{-1}S(u). AIMS Proceedings, 2015. 464-472
Lectures and oral presentations (37):
Self-similar solutions to some chemotaxis system with local sensing
(Italian-Japanese Workshop on Variational Perspectives for PDEs 2024)
Concentration phenomena in some chemotaxis system with local sensing
(9th European Congress of Mathematics (Mini-Symposia) 2024)
Concentration phenomena in some chemotaxis system with local sensing
(VIII Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis 2024)
Self-similar solutions to a chemotaxis system with local sensing
(Critical Phenomena in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Harmonic Analysis, and Functional Inequalities 2023)
(東北大学大学院理学研究科数学専攻 談話会 2022)
Education (1):
- 2014 - 2016 Tokyo University of Science
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Science (Tokyo University of Science)
Work history (6):
Committee career (2):
- 2023/05 - 現在 文部科学省 科学技術・学術政策研究所 科学技術予測・政策基盤調査研究センター 専門調査員
- 2020/04 - 2024/03 函数方程式論分科会 情報委員会 運営委員
Awards (3):
- 2024/05 - クラリベイト・アナリティクス・ジャパン株式会社 第5回ジャパンリサーチフロントアワード シグナル依存運動の走化性方程式の数学解析
- 2023 - IOP Publishing IOP Trusted Reviewer status
- 2015/10 - ICMMA 2015 Self-Organization Modeling and Analysis Best Poster Award
Association Membership(s) (1):
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