- 2019 - 2022 New approach for phase transformation of mantle minerals under high pressure and heavy strain
- 2019 - 2022 Exploring hydrogen behavior in metallic iron from high-pressure and high-temperature experiments and its applications for the Earth's core
- 2015 - 2020 Creation of the best model of the Earth's core
- 2016 - 2019 Synchrotron Mossbauer small-angle scattering using a variable bandwidth nuclear spectrometer
- 2016 - 2019 Radial XRD methods with stress-strain analysis opening new horizons for high-pressure experiments
- 2015 - 2018 Challenge to generate 1 TPa by static compression
- 2013 - 2015 High-pressure study of hydrogen in iron: implication for the Earth's core
- 2010 - 2015 Ultrahigh-Pressure Material Science of the central regions of the Earth and Planets
- 2010 - 2012 A new aspect of in-situ powder x-ray diffraction technique by developing the high precision oscillating system for the sample under high pressure
- 2009 - 2010 Water in the Earth's core and dynamics of the deep Earth inter ior
- 2007 - 2008 高温高圧力下での核共鳴散乱法の開発と地球深部物質の電子・格子振動状態研究への展開
- 2007 - 2008 Generation of high pressure at the center of the Earth: Implications for the Earth's inner core materials
- 2005 - 2006 マルチメガバール領域における鉄-軽元素系の超高圧高温実験と地球核への応用
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