J-GLOBAL ID:201801015687525634   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024


Affiliation and department:
Research field  (3): Cultural anthropology and folklore ,  Local studies ,  Sociology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (12):
  • 2022 - 2026 Hopes for Social Mobility, Demands for Wealth Redistribution: Ethnographies of African Urban Middle-class Bottom
  • 2022 - 2026 The T​ransformation of Sexuality, Marriage and Singlization: Reimagining of ​M​odern East African S​ocieties
  • 2020 - 2023 The inheritance of lives in the Hansen's disease sanatorium in Japan: How we can archive the social and historical facts while protecting personal information
  • 2019 - 2022 Study on Life Course Strategy of Highly Educated Girls/Women in Eastern Africa: With special reference to intra-familial relationships, gender norms and paths to rising middle class
  • 2018 - 2022 The sociological study of Trans-Locality
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Papers (5):
  • 白石 壮一郎, 杉山 祐子. 地域農業プラットフォームとしての直売所:弘前市周辺の調査から. 地域未来創生センタージャーナル. 2016. 2. 5-18
  • 白石 壮一郎, 羽渕 一代. 条件不利地域普通科高校の高卒後の移動と地元定着:青森県下北郡北通の同窓会調査から. 人文社会論叢 人文科学篇. 2016. 35. 49-95
  • Soichiro SHIRAISHI. Anthropological Study on Agricultural Commercialization and Reformation of Communality in Rural East Africa: A Case Study on the Sabiny in Uganda. 2011
  • Soichiro SHIRAISHI. Discourse and Social Relationships in Land Tenure Evaluation: A Claim for Land Right in an African Agrarian Society. Kyoto Working Papers on Area Studies. 2009. 80. 1-13
  • Soichiro SHIRAISHI. From Beer to Money: Labor Exchange and Commercialization in Eastern Uganda. African Studies Quarterly. 2006. Vol. 9. 1 & 2. 39-53
MISC (23):
  • Soichiro SHIRAISHI. Concepts and Difficulties Encountered During Interview Research: Notes on Research Methods in Social Anthropology and Applications for Faculty Education (Part 2). SHIRAISHI, Soichiro, Fumi KONDO, Shigeru HAYAMA & Yudai ISHIMOTO "Themes and Methodologies in Area Studies". 2021. 57-67
  • Soichiro SHIRAISHI. Brief Training Programme on Participatory Observation Techniques: Notes on Research Methods in Social Anthropology and Applications for Faculty Education (Part 1). SHIRAISHI, Soichiro, Fumi KONDO, Shigeru HAYAMA & Yudai ISHIMOTO "Themes and Methodologies in Area Studies". 2021. 49-56
  • 白石壮一郎. 沿岸漁師のスタートアップ:青森県下北郡風間浦村での聞き取り調査から. 白石壮一郎・近藤史・葉山茂・石本雄大『地域研究方法論の総合的検討』. 2021. 7-18
  • 白石壮一郎, 近藤史, 葉山茂. 持続的な「小さな社会経済」の未来を構想するためのアーカイビングの模索:ポスト経済成長期青森県の生業口述史の蓄積. 地域創生センタージャーナル. 2021. 7. 71-75
  • 白石壮一郎. 高学歴化するアフリカ!:ケニアの高卒・大卒女子の生きる道. 弘前大学人文社会科学部編『弘前大学人文社会科学部オンラインキャンパスガイド』. 2020. 19-20
Books (18):
  • Youths in Struggles: Unemployment, Politics and Cultures in Contemporary Africa
    Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 2021
  • 遊牧の思想 : 人類学がみる激動のアフリカ
    昭和堂 2019 ISBN:9784812218242
  • 大学的青森ガイド : こだわりの歩き方
    昭和堂 2019 ISBN:9784812218167
  • ポスト地方創生 : 大学と地域が組んでどこまでできるか
    弘前大学出版会 2019 ISBN:9784907192693
  • サイレント・マジョリティとは誰か : フィールドから学ぶ地域社会学
    ナカニシヤ出版 2018 ISBN:9784779512964
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(地域研究) (京都大学)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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