J-GLOBAL ID:201801016507528521
Update date: Aug. 25, 2024
Nohara Minoru
ノハラ ミノル | Nohara Minoru
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (1):
Magnetism, superconductivity, and strongly correlated systems
Research keywords (4):
, Strongly Correlated Electron System
, thermoelectric materials
, superconductivity
Research theme for competitive and other funds (15):
- 2023 - 2028 Investigation of spin-lattice couplins in strongly correlated condensed matters at 1000 T
- 2021 - 2024 Probing itinerant j=3/2 fermions with quantum oscillations
- 2015 - 2022 International Development of "J-Physics: Physics of Conductive Multipole Systems"
- 2015 - 2020 J-Physics: Physics of Conductive Multipole Systems
- 2015 - 2020 強相関多極子物質の開発
- 2014 - 2017 Ca-Fe-As三元系における新規鉄系超伝導体の開発と転移温度上昇機構の解明
- 2012 - 2014 固体中の化学結合の生成と切断を利用した格子コラプス型アクチュエータの創製
- 2011 - 2013 フラットバンド機構による高効率熱電変換材料の開発
- 2006 - 2007 遷移金属硫化物における電子相転移の臨界現象
- 2002 - 2004 Development of 3d Transition Metal Oxides with Oxygen p-hole Characters.
- 2001 - 2002 Superconducting gap anisotropy probed by ultrasonic attenuation
- 1999 - 2000 超伝導磁束渦糸中の準粒子励起状態
- 1997 - 1998 高温超伝導体におけるボルテックス中の準粒子励起状態
- 1995 - 1996 Borocarbide Superconductors, Materials and Properties
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Papers (254):
Ryohei Matsumoto, Ei Murakami, Ryohei Oishi, Sitaram Ramakrishnan, Atsutoshi Ikeda, Shingo Yonezawa, Toshiro Takabatake, Takahiro Onimaru, Minoru Nohara. Superconductivity in Metal-Rich Antimonide Zr6FeSb2. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2024. 93. 6
Yu Takahashi, Takeshi Suzuki, Masaki Hattori, Mario Okawa, Hidenori Takagi, Naoyuki Katayama, Hiroshi Sawa, Minoru Nohara, Yigui Zhong, Kecheng Liu, et al. Temporal Evolution and Fluence Dependence of Band Structure in Photoexcited Ta2Ni0.9Co0.1Se5 Probed by Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2023. 92. 6
Takumi Mitsuoka, Yu Takahashi, Takeshi Suzuki, Mario Okawa, Hidenori Takagi, Naoyuki Katayama, Hiroshi Sawa, Minoru Nohara, Mari Watanabe, Jiadi Xu, et al. Quasi One-Dimensional Band Structure of Photoinduced Semimetal Phase of Ta2Ni1-xCoxSe5 (x = 0.0 and 0.1). Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2023. 92. 2
H. Okamura, T. Mizokawa, K. Miki, Y. Matsui, N. Noguchi, N. Katayama, H. Sawa, M. Nohara, Y. Lu, H. Takagi, et al. Pressure suppression of the excitonic insulator state in Ta2NiSe5 observed by optical conductivity. Physical Review B. 2023. 107. 4
G. Tomassucci, L. Tortora, G. M. Pugliese, F. Stramaglia, L. Simonelli, C. Marini, K. Terashima, T. Wakita, S. Ayukawa, T. Yokoya, et al. Temperature dependent local inhomogeneity and magnetic moments of (Li1-xFex)OHFeSe superconductors. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2023
MISC (263):
有馬寛人, 片山尚幸, 澤博, 野原実, LU Y. F., 北川健太郎, 高木英典, 高木英典, 上床美也, 松林和幸. Hall effect measurement of narrow gap semiconductor Ta2NiS5 under pressure. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2021. 76. 2
S. Ideta, D. Zhang, A. G. Dijkstra, S. Artyukhin, S. Keskin, R. Cingolani, T. Shimojima, K. Ishizaka, H. Ishii, K. Kudo, et al. Ultrafast dissolution and creation of bonds in IrTe2 induced by photodoping (vol 5, eaax2646, 2019). SCIENCE ADVANCES. 2019. 5. 3
有馬寛人, 内藤康氏, 工藤一輝, 片山尚幸, 澤博, 野原実, LU Y. F., 北川健太郎, 高木英典, 高木英典, et al. 高圧下におけるTa2NiSe5の輸送特性. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2019. 74. 1
有馬寛人, 片山尚幸, 野原実, LU Y.F., 高木英典, 高木英典, 上床美也, 松林和幸. 励起子絶縁体候補物質Ta2NiSe5における高圧下ホール効果. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2018. 73. 1
有馬寛人, 片山尚幸, 野原実, LU Y.F., 北川健太郎, 高木英典, 高木英典, 上床美也, 松林和幸. Ta2NiSe5の相図における静水圧と異方的圧力効果の比較. 日本物理学会講演概要集(CD-ROM). 2018. 73. 2
Lectures and oral presentations (32):
Polymorphism and Superconductivity in Platinum Pnictides (Invited)
(Materials Research Meeting 2019 2019)
Exploration of high-efficiency thermoelectric materials with peculiarly shaped band structures (Invited)
(OptoX-NANO 2019 2019)
Polymorphism and Superconductivity in BaPtAs and BaPtSb (Invited)
(14th Asia-Pacific Physics Conference, APPC 2019 2019)
Superconductivity in IrIn2: A Comparative Study of IrIn2 and CoIn2 (Poster)
(International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2019 2019)
Superconductivity in IrIn2 with Ir infinite chain (Poster)
(J-Physics International Conference & KINKEN-WAKATE 2019 Multipole Physics 2019)
Education (3):
- 1992 - 1994 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science
- 1990 - 1992 Hiroshima University Graduate School of Science
- 1986 - 1990 Hiroshima University Faculty of Science Department of Physics
Professional career (1):
- Ph. D (Hiroshima University)
Work history (6):
Awards (4):
- 2021/03 - 日本物理学会 第26回(2021年)論文賞
- 2017/03 - 日本物理学会 JPSJ Outstanding Referee
- 2016/04 - 未踏科学技術協会 第20回超伝導科学技術賞
- 2016/03 - 日本物理学会 第21回(2016年)論文賞
Association Membership(s) (1):
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