J-GLOBAL ID:201801018385303496
Update date: Oct. 25, 2021
Mikiyo Yamaguchi
ヤマグチ ミキヨ | Mikiyo Yamaguchi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Specially Appointed Researcher
Research field (1):
Conservative dentistry and endodontics
Research keywords (2):
, 難治性根尖性歯周炎
Papers (15):
Yamaguchi M, Noiri Y, Itoh Y, Komichi S, Yagi K, Uemura R, Naruse H, Matsui S, Kuriki N, Hayashi M, et al. Factors that cause endodontic failures in general practices in Japan. BMC Oral Health. 2018. 18. 70
Yamaguchi M, Ito Y, Suzaki N, Katata C, Sotozono M, Kawanishi Y, Masuda K, Itoh Y, Yoneda N, Okamoto M, et al. Investigation on Effective Education Methods for Preparing Curved Root Canals with FKG RaCe. 2017. 60. 5. 255-261
Haruaki Kitagawa, Naomi Izutani, Ranna Kitagawa, Hazuki Maezono, Mikiyo Yamaguchi, Satoshi Imazato. Evolution of resistance to cationic biocides in Streptococcus mutans and Enterococcus faecalis. JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY. 2016. 47. 18-22
Reiko Yamamoto, Yuichiro Noiri, Mikiyo Yamaguchi, Yoko Asahi, Hazuki Maezono, Shigeyuki Ebisu, Mikako Hayashi. Inhibition of polysaccharide synthesis by the sinR orthologue PGN_0088 is indirectly associated with the penetration of Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilms by macrolide antibiotics. MICROBIOLOGY-SGM. 2015. 161. 422-429
Y. Asahi, Y. Noiri, J. Miura, H. Maezono, M. Yamaguchi, R. Yamamoto, H. Azakami, M. Hayashi, S. Ebisu. Effects of the tea catechin epigallocatechin gallate on Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilms. JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY. 2014. 116. 5. 1164-1171
Books (3):
第五版 保存修復学21
末永書店 2017
根尖病変 治癒に向けた戦略を究める
ヒョーロンパブリッシャーズ 2013
医薬ジャーナル社 2011
Education (2):
- 2005 - 2009 Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry
- 1999 - 2005 Osaka University School of Dentistry
Work history (3):
- 2017/04 - 現在 Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry
- 2015/04 - 2017/03 Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry
- 2009/04 - 2015/03 Osaka University Dental Hospital
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