J-GLOBAL ID:201801019048327037
Update date: Sep. 27, 2022
Kusters Harold
Kusters Harold
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Japanese linguistics
Research keywords (4):
Optimality Theory
, Phonology
, Japanese Linguistics
, Linguistics
Papers (2):
Kusters Harold, H. H. A. Vowel Alternation in Modern Japanese and Sonority. Phonological studies. 2004. 7. 25-32
Kusters Harold, H. H. A. Positional Neutralization: The Markedness of Voiced Obstruents and the Blocking of Sequential Voicing. Phonological studies. 2003. 6. 39-48
MISC (1):
松岡 知津子, Kusters Harold, 曹 延麗. 日本語と英語の擬音語・擬声語に関する音韻論的研究. 広島大学日本語教育研究. 2001. 11. 61-66
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