Tomoki Hirata, Takuya Hanabayashi, Yoshitaka Fukuzawa, Wataru Ohashi, Takahiko Yamamori. Assessment of Evidence-Based Medicine education in the Japanese New Model Core Curriculum using a student-to-student multi-institutional survey. Journal of medical English education. 2020. 19. 1. 14-20
仙石 昌也, 宮本 淳, 山森 孝彦, 久留 友紀子, 橋本 貴宏, 山下 敏史. クラウドサービスを利用して作成されたレポートの編集内容からみた協働の分析-Analyzing Collaborative Editing Process of Group Reports Shared on Cloud-ICTを用いた学習環境の構築/一般. 日本教育工学会研究報告集 = Research report of JSET Conferences. 2019. 19. 1. 327-331
Implementation of medical English teaching materials into a cloud-based learning system
(The 2nd International Conference on ICT Application Research (IAR 2024) 2024)
Visualizing the sequence of questions in history-taking interviews of 1st- and 2nd-year Japanese medical students
(The 26th JASMEE Academic Meeting in Tokyo 2023)
Imagining and acting the life of a non-Japanese-speaking patient in history-taking interview practice to improve English communication skills and foster intercultural understanding
(The 26th JASMEE Academic Meeting in Tokyo 2023)
2013/07 - 2024/03 Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
2007/04 - 2013/06 Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
2004/04 - 2007/03 Aichi Medical University
Awards (2):
2023/07 - Japan Society for Medical English Education 17th The Kenichi Uemura Award Quantitative analysis of eye contact as a numerically measurable factor to evaluate communication and interpersonal skills in medical history-taking performance