J-GLOBAL ID:201802233721854668   Reference number:18A1499394

Social Development and Sport

スポーツ政策とは何か 社会開発とスポーツ
Author (1):
Volume: 41  Issue:Page: 27-32  Publication year: Aug. 15, 2018 
JST Material Number: L6939A  ISSN: 0387-2513  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Policy,system and organizations for science and technology 
Reference (13):
  • Cabinet Office. (2002) Game Plan: A strategy for Delivering the Governments Sport and Physical Activity Objectives. London.
  • Coalter, F. (2008) ‘Sport in Development: Development for and Through Sport?’, In: Nicholson, M. and Hoye, R. (eds) Sport and Social Capital. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann: 39-67.
  • Commonwealth of Australia. (2001) Backing Australia's Sporting Ability. Canberra, Australia: Commonwealth of Australia.
  • Delaney, L and Keaney, E. (2005) Sport and Social Capital in the United Kingdom: Statistical Evidence from National and International Survey Data. Department of Culture, Media and Sport. London.
  • Kidd, B. (2008) ‘A New Social Movement: Sport for Development and Peace,’ Sport in Society 11 (4): 370-380.
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