J-GLOBAL ID:201802247128594343   Reference number:18A0837361

Polychaetes collected from floats of oyster-farming rafts in Kure, the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, with notes on the pest species Polydora hoplura (Annelida: Spionidae)

有害生物種Polydora hoplura(環形動物門:スピオ科)に留意した日本,瀬戸内海,呉におけるカキ養殖場のいかだから採集された多毛類
Author (3):
Issue: 16  Page: 1-4  Publication year: Mar. 31, 2018 
JST Material Number: L5989A  ISSN: 1348-2653  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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Interaction between dissimilar organisms  ,  Aquaculture in general  ,  Population ecology 
Reference (24):

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