J-GLOBAL ID:201802249894340040   Reference number:18A1787011

Comparison between iniks AC Moist Clear Lotion with Milky Lotion and iniks AC Lotion II with Milky Lotion II in Terms of Safety and Efficacy for Women with Facial Dry Skin and Acne Vulgaris: a Single-Center, Randomized, Double-Blind, Intra-Individual, Right-Left Comparative Study

顔の乾燥症状および尋常性ざ瘡を有する成人女性におけるiniks ACモイストクリアローションおよびミルクならびにiniks ACローションIIおよびミルクIIの安全性と有効性:単一施設無作為化二重盲検左右比較試験
Author (3):
Volume: 95  Issue: 1-2  Page: 25-33  Publication year: Sep. 12, 2018 
JST Material Number: S0617A  ISSN: 0300-8533  CODEN: OYYAA2  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Cosmetics  ,  Clinical dermatology in general 
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