J-GLOBAL ID:201802264034735331   Reference number:18A0224962

The Effect of a Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation on Contralateral Antebrachial Blood Flow, Perspiration and Skin Temperature

Author (3):
Volume: 32  Issue:Page: 839-844(J-STAGE)  Publication year: 2017 
JST Material Number: X0283A  ISSN: 1341-1667  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Rehabilitation  ,  Clinical medicine on cardiovascular system in general  ,  Clinical dermatology in general 
Reference (26):
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  • 3) Owens S, Atkinson ER, Lees DE: Thermographic evidence of reduced sympathetic tone with transcutaneous nerve stimulation. Anesthesiology, 1979, 50: 62-65.
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  • 5) Scudds RJ, Helewa A, Scudds RA: The effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on skin temperature in asymptomatic subjects. Phys Ther, 1995, 75: 621-628.

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