Yuta Takano, Toshiyuki Hirasawa, Yuichi Inoue. The condition of subjective daytime sleepiness and its related decline in work productivity among daytime workers. Journal of Epidemiology. 2024
Yuta Takano, Rui Ibata, Naho Machida, Isa Okajima. Nonrestorative sleep and its association with insomnia severity, sleep debt, and social jetlag in adults: Variations in relevant factors among age groups. Sleep Medicine. 2024. 121. 203-209
Yuta Takano, Isa Okajima, Takeshi Ando, Suguru Iwano, Yuichi Inoue. Presenteeism and sleep duration on workdays and days off. Occupational Medicine. 2024. 74. 4. 283-289
Yuta Takano, Ayaka Ubara, Naho Machida, Rui Ibata, Isa Okajima. Psychometric properties of the Japanese version of the Insomnia Catastrophizing Scale and relationship of insomnia severity with catastrophic thoughts, safety behaviors, and dysfunctional beliefs. Sleep Medicine. 2024. 114. 64-72
Relationship between latent profiles of sleep disturbance, mental health status, and work engagement and potential job turnover in the general workers. Asian Society of Sleep Medicine Interim Meeting 2024. 2024
2018 - 2023 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido Graduate School of Psycholigical Science Department of Clinical Psychology
2016 - 2018 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido Graduate School of Psycholigical Science Department of Clinical Psychology
2012 - 2016 Health Sciences University of Hokkaido School of Psychological Science Department of Clinical Psychology
Professional career (1):
博士(臨床心理学) (北海道医療大学)
Work history (8):
2023/04 - 現在 公益財団法人神経研究所 客員研究員
2023/04 - 現在 東京医科大学睡眠学寄附講座 助教
2023/01 - 2023/03 広島県厚生連尾道看護専門学校 非常勤講師(人間関係論)
2021/10 - 2023/03 広島県福祉事業団 療育手帳面接 心理検査員
2019/04 - 2023/03 Fukuyama University Faculty of Human Cultures and Science, Department of Psychology
2020/04 - 2022/08 尾道市医師会看護専門学校 非常勤講師(心理学)
2019/07 - 2022/03 福山市保健福祉局保健部こども発達支援センター 非常勤心理士
2016/11 - 2019/03 北大通こころのクリニック 非常勤心理士
Show all
Committee career (1):
2022/07 - 現在 日本認知・行動療法学会 編集委員会
Association Membership(s) (6):
, 日本精神科診断学会
, Japanese Society of Anxiety and Related Disorders
, Japanese Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies