Research keywords (3):
Psychological Ownership
, Marketing Communication
, Consumer Behavior
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2024 - 2027 オンライン環境を考慮した製品の大きさ知覚に影響を与える視覚的要因の検討
2024 - 2027 製品・ブランド擬人化の促進要因としてのデバイスに関する研究
2021 - 2025 同一製品の形態の相違が消費者に及ぼす影響-デジタル財の利用促進に注目して-
2022 - 2023 消費者物質主義の低下に関する探索的研究
Papers (8):
Taku Togawa, Hiroaki Ishii, Soonho Kwon, Ikumi Hiraki, Naoto Onzo. Effects of Offline Versus Online Promotional Media on Consumer Response. Journal of Advertising Research. 2024. 64. 4. 416-429
Kwon, Soonho. A review and future research for perceived size of product in marketing research. THE STUDIES IN ECONOMICS AND TRADE. 2024. 50. 77-93
Kwon, Soonho, Takanori Suda, Takuya Nomura. 3D versus 2D: Effects of the number of dimensions of product images on perceptions of product size. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 2024. 23. 4. 1889-1899
Kwon, Soonho, Hisashi Kawamata, Takanori Suda. Effects of Screen Contact with Digital Media on Perceived Control and Psychological Ownership. Japan Marketing Journal. 2023. 42. 3. 51-62
Kwon, SoonHo. Understanding Psychological Ownership in the Digital Environment. Japan Marketing Journal. 2021. 40. 4. 66-74
Onzo, Naoto, Hiraki, Ikumi, Kwon, SoonHo. Effects of office BGM on communication between employees. Sound Desgin for Office. 2020. 12. 8-11
Kwon, SoonHo, Onzo, Naoto. A Shift from the Selling-Goods to the Selling-Experiences in a Production Goods Company: New Challenges for Daikin Technology. Japan Marketing Journal. 2020. 39. 4. 86-96