J-GLOBAL ID:201901003802910368
Update date: Feb. 14, 2024
ゴトウ サトル | GOTO SATORU
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Research field (2):
Business administration
, Design
Research keywords (4):
Innovation of Meaning
, Design Thinking
, Design Management
, Design Management, Design Thinking, Innovation of Meaning
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
- 2022 - 2026 Identifying organizational antecedents for design thinking and exploring a effect of inclusion as a design strategy
- 2022 - 2025 生理学的指標に基づく企業のデザイン職/非デザイン職におけるデザイン態度の評価
- 2019 - 2022 Development the tool and the scale of design attitude for measuring the design capability of companies
- 2018 - 2020 Theoretical study and developing practical process and tools of Design Driven Innovation
- 2015 - 2018 The study of competitive advantage of servitization of standardization product
- 2014 - 2015 The study of technology development strategy to develop innovative technology specifications and product meanings
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Papers (42):
青山優里・後藤智. 組織のデザイン力の測定ツールDAMの活用報告. デザイン科学研究. 2023. 2. 265-274
後藤智・八重樫文. ミドルマネジメント向けデザインマネジメント研修プログラムDesign+CORDISモデルの開発. デザイン科学研究. 2023. 2. 207-224
中村大・後藤智. デザインにおける考古学のレジリエンスモデル -アーキオロジカル・プロトタイピングの可能性-. デザイン科学研究. 2023. 2. 77-104
林留里・後藤智. 「探究学習」における課題とデザイン. デザイン科学研究. 2023. 2. 225-242
Satoru Goto, Hikaru Makino and Takuo Ando. Making the most out of the innovation of meaning: The importance of inclusion for creativity in inside-out envisioning. Creativity and Innovation Management. 2023
MISC (6):
後藤智・徳田昭雄・高梨千賀子・顧鴻錚. 人間中心的サイバーフィジカルシステムの現状とモデル提案. デザイン科学研究. 2022. 1. 1. 119-142
八重樫文・安藤拓生・後藤智・森田崇文. 企業のデザイン力を測定するためのツールの開発. デザイン科学研究. 2022. 1. 1. 103-118
The analysis of the competitive advantage of digital cameras in the stage of technology mature. 2016. 57. 144-147
The Product Specification and Meaning : Time Series Analysis of Consumer's Evaluation in Digital Camera. 2015. 54. 124-127
The Strategy for Design and Technology in Digital Camera. 2014. 52. 94-97
Books (6):
新曜社 2022
青山社 2019 ISBN:9784883593620
Innovation of Meaning and Product Service System
LAMBERT Academic Publishing 2017
日経BP社 2017
Marketing Strategy
産業能率大学 2017
Lectures and oral presentations (21):
(日本経営システム学会大65回全国研究発表大会 2020)
Exploratory research on the relationship between non-designers' design capability and personality
(CINet 2020 2020)
Who is the "Designer"? -Exploratory research for the Non-designer's Design Capability-
(dmi: Academic Design Management Conference 2020)
The outside-inside-out workshop for the innovation of meaning
(dmi: Academic Design Management Conference 2020)
Identity Salience and Diversity in The Process of Innovation of Meaning
(4D Conference 2019 2019)
Education (6):
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. in technology management (Ritsumeikan University)
Work history (4):
- 2019/04 - Ritsumeikan University College of Business Administration Associate Professor
- 2018/04 - 2019/03 Toyo Gakuen University Faculty of Business Administration Associate Professor
- 2015/04 - 2018/03 Toyo Gakuen University Faculty of Business Administration Lecturer
- 2006/04 - 2013/01 HORIBA,ltd.
Association Membership(s) (3):
IEEE Technology and Engineering Society
, The Academic Association for Organizational Science
, Japan Association for Management System
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