J-GLOBAL ID:201901004064552571   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024

NAM,Hocheol Hocheol

ナム ホチョル | NAM,Hocheol Hocheol
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate Professor
Homepage URL  (1): https://sites.google.com/view/hocheolnam/
Research field  (1): Money and finance
Research keywords  (4): Investments ,  Econometrics ,  Corporate governance ,  Corporate finance
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (1):
  • 2020 - 2022 An analysis of financial insurance function through the trade credit mechanism and the determinants of trade credit before and after M&A activity
Papers (8):
  • Hocheol Nam. Accounts Payable and Sales Growth Rate. Hokusei Review. 2021. 60. 2. 21-31
  • Hocheol Nam. Accounts Payable and Natural Hedge. Hokusei Review. 2020. 59. 2. 67-78
  • 南ホチョル, 内田交謹. 仕入債務と企業価値:金融危機時の実証分析. 経営財務研究. 2019. 39. 25-40
  • 篠﨑伸也, 南ホチョル. 企業の資金制約と保有現金-費用構造からの検証. 九州経済学会年報. 2019. 57. 45-53
  • Hocheol Nam, Konari Uchida. Accounts Payable and Firm Value: International Evidence. Journal of Banking & Finance. 2019. 102. 116-137
MISC (1):
  • Target Effect on the Determinant of Accounts Payable. Hokusei Review, the School of Economic. 2023. 62. 2. 47-60
Books (1):
  • 入門証券・企業金融論
    創成社 2021
Lectures and oral presentations  (19):
  • Home-Field Advantage in the Use of Accounts Payable
    (2nd Atsubetsu Economic Research Workshop 2022)
  • Target Effect on the Determinant of Accounts Payable: Evidence from Acquisitions among Japanese Listed Companies
    (The 30th Anniversary Annual Conference 2022)
  • Home-field advantage in the use of accounts payable
    (2021年度日本応用経済学会春季大会 2021)
  • Inventory as a Liquidity Provision Channel
    (日本ファイナンス学会第28回大会 2020)
  • Inventory as a Liquidity Provision Channel
    (2020年度日本応用経済学会春季大会 2020)
Education (1):
  • 2015 - 2018 Kyushu University Graduate School of Economics Department of Economic Engineering
Professional career (1):
  • Ph.D. (Kyushu University)
Work history (3):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Hokusei Gakuen University School of Economics Department of Law and Economics Associate Professor
  • 2019/04 - 2022/03 Hokusei Gakuen University School of Economics Department of Law and Economics Lecturer
  • 2018/04 - 2019/03 Kyushu University Faculty of Economics Assistant Professor
Association Membership(s) (3):
Japan Association for Applied Economics ,  Nippon Finance Association ,  Japan Finance Association
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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