J-GLOBAL ID:201901004531030509   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024

Kumano Takafumi

クマノ タカフミ | Kumano Takafumi
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Human geography
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2020 - 2023 大都市圏インナーエリアにおける持家のアフォーダビリティに関する研究
  • 2016 - 2019 人口減少時代における住宅供給とストックからみた都市圏構造とその変化に関する研究
Papers (4):
  • A Review of Recent Studies on 'Machinaka Living' and Their Implications for Residents of Ready-Built Single-Family Housing in Japan's Larger Cities. 2020. 168. 49-70
  • Kumano Takafumi. Location of Newly Built Dwellings and Changing Urban Structure in the Outer Suburban City of Osaka Metropolitan Area: Case Study of Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture. Japanese Journal of Human Geography. 2018. 70. 2. 193-214
  • Detached Housing Development in the Osaka Metropolitan Area after Collapse of the Bubble Economy : Focusing on Built-up Areas. 2017. 90. 1. 25-46
  • Kumano Takafumi. Changes in Detached Housing Areas in the Suburbs of Osaka Metropolitan Area: A Case Study of Housing Areas Around Gakuenmae Station on the Kintetsu Railway Line. Japanese Journal of Human Geography. 2014. 66. 4. 352-368
MISC (2):
  • KUMANO Takafumi. Changes in Urban Structures Relating to Location of Housing Developments in Suburban Japanese Towns::A Case Study of Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture and an Osaka Suburb. ABSTRACTS of the Annual Meeting, The Human Geographical Society of Japan. 2017. 34-35
  • KUMANO Takafumi. Detached Housing Development in the Osaka Metropolitan Area after the Collapse of the Bubble Economy:Focusing on its built-up areas. Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers. 2016. 2016. 100059-100059
Lectures and oral presentations  (8):
  • Multiscale Geographies of Shrinking Cities
    (The 7th Joint-Workshop on East Asian Studies Kyoto University - City University of Hong Kong - Fudan University 2019)
  • Restructuring and Generational Transition in Japan's Metropolitan Suburbs
    (The 6th Joint-Workshop on East Asian Studies Fudan University - Kyoto University - City University of Hong Kong 2018)
  • 郊外の再編と世代交代-土地利用変化・都市構造との関連に注目して-
    (人文地理学会第62回都市圏研究部会(経済地理学会関西支部例会との共催) 2018)
  • 郊外都市における住宅開発の立地からみた都市構造の変化-大阪大都市圏郊外、奈良県桜井市を事例に-
    (人文地理学会大会 2017)
  • Location of housing development and changing urban structure in suburban Japanese city with declining population: Case study of Sakurai City, suburb of Osaka metropolitan area
    (The 9th International Conference on Population Geographies 2017)
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(文学) (京都大学)
Work history (6):
  • 2021/10 - 現在 Hokkaido University of Education Faculty of Education Lecturer
  • 2020/04 - 現在 Otemon Gakuin University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Department of International Liberal Arts
  • 2019/07 - 2021/09 Kyoto University
  • 2019/04 - 2019/07 Kyoto University Faculty of Letters
  • 2019/04 - 2019/07 Meiji University
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Committee career (1):
  • 2019/11 - 2021/10 一般社団法人人文地理学会 会計委員
Association Membership(s) (2):
公益社団法人日本地理学会 ,  一般社団法人人文地理学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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