J-GLOBAL ID:201901006707608394   Update date: Sep. 17, 2024

Katashima Takuya

カタシマ タクヤ | Katashima Takuya
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): https://rheo.tokyo/
Research field  (4): Nanomaterials ,  Biomaterials ,  Polymer materials ,  Polymer chemistry
Research keywords  (6): polymer ,  dynamics ,  biomaterial ,  associative network ,  rheology ,  polymer gel
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (14):
  • 2023 - 2028 階層性超分子材料の物性制御と機能開拓
  • 2024 - 2027 過渡的網目の非線形粘弾性解析: ひずみエネルギー密度関数解析とその分子論の解明
  • 2024 - 2027 微生物による分解を必要としない海洋分解性高分子の開発とマテリアルリサイクル可能なセルロースナノファイバー複合材料への展開
  • 2021 - 2025 Fundamental understanding of polymer gels and sponges
  • 2020 - 2023 Establishment of rheological control method of transient network by topology control and development of novel ophthalmic viscosurgical device
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Papers (54):
  • Yuta Yamamoto, Yoshifumi Yamagata, Taisuke Sato, Koshiro Nakamura, Ren Sato, Mitsuru Naito, Ung-il Chung, Takuya Katashima. Elucidating Nonlinear Stress Relaxation in Transient Networks through Two-Dimensional Rheo-Optics. ACS Macro Letters. 2024. 1171-1178
  • Bin Lu, Kohei Takahashi, Jian Zhou, Shintaro Nakagawa, Yuta Yamamoto, Takuya Katashima, Naoko Yoshie, Kyoko Nozaki. Mild Catalytic Degradation of Crystalline Polyethylene Units in a Solid State Assisted by Carboxylic Acid Groups. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2024
  • Rina Cho, Hiroyuki Kamata, Yosuke Tsuji, Ayano Fujisawa, Yuko Miura, Shohei Ishikawa, Ren Sato, Takuya Katashima, Takamasa Sakai, Mitsuhiro Fujishiro. Optimizing a self-solidifying hydrogel as an endoscopically deliverable hydrogel coating system: a proof-of-concept study on porcine endoscopic submucosal dissection-induced ulcers. Polymer Journal. 2024
  • Ryunosuke Kobayashi, Mitsuru Naito, Kanjiro Miyata, Takamasa Sakai, Ung-il Chung, Takuya Katashima. Predicting the effects of degradation on viscoelastic relaxation time using model transient networks. Polymer Journal. 2024. 56. 7. 685-691
  • Kousuke Tsuchiya, Kayo Terada, Yui Tsuji, Simon Sau Yin Law, Hiroyasu Masunaga, Takuya Katashima, Takamasa Sakai, Keiji Numata. Cross-linking polybutadiene rubber via a thiol-ene reaction with polycysteine as a degradable cross-linker. Polymer Journal. 2023. 56. 4. 391-400
MISC (3):
  • 片島拓弥, 酒井崇匡. 人工臓器開発に貢献するバイオマテリアル ハイドロゲルの基礎物性に立脚した人工硝子体の設計. 人工臓器(日本人工臓器学会). 2019. 48. 3
  • T. Katashima. Polymer Physical Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Macromoecular Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University. NIHON REOROJI GAKKAISHI. 2017. 45. 5. 291-293
  • T. Katashima. The XVIIth International Congress on Rheology (ICR2016). NIHON REOROJI GAKKAISHI. 2016. 44. 5. 303-306
Patents (1):
Books (4):
  • 動的粘弾性測定とそのデータ解釈事例
    技術情報協会 2021 ISBN:9784861048661
  • Physics of Polymer Gels
    Wiley-VCH 2020
  • 基礎高分子科学 第2版
    東京化学同人 2020 ISBN:4807909622
  • 高分子ゲルの物理学 : 構造・物性からその応用まで
    東京大学出版会 2017 ISBN:9784130628433
Lectures and oral presentations  (11):
  • Elucidation of viscoelastic relaxation of transient networks with well-defined structures
    (9th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (IDMRC) 2023)
  • Relationships between viscoelastic relaxation and network connectivity in transient networks with well-controlled network structures
    (8th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology 2023)
  • 明確な構造を持つ永久および過渡的高分子網目材料の精密レオロジー解析
    (日本レオロジー学会第50回記念年会 2023)
  • 星型ポリマーからなる会合性網目の物性とバイオマテリアル応用への試み
    (第183回東海高分子研究会講演会(夏季研究会) 2022)
  • Mechanical Properties of Dynamic Cross-Linked Hydrogels with well-controlled structures and Biomedical Applications
Education (2):
  • - 2015 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering Department of Bioengineering
  • - 2010 The University of Tokyo School of Engineering Department of Material Engineering
Professional career (1):
  • 博士 (工学) (東京大学)
Work history (7):
  • 2023/03 - 現在 The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering Department of Bioengineering
  • 2021/11 - 2023/02 The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering Department of Bioengineering Project Lecturer
  • 2020/08 - 2021/10 The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering Department of Bioengineering
  • 2019/10 - 2020/07 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering Project Researcher
  • 2019/09 - 2019/09 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering Department of Bioengineering Project Academic Support Specialist
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Committee career (5):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 高分子ゲル研究会 運営委員
  • 2023/06 - 現在 高分子学会関東支部 常任幹事
  • 2023/05 - 現在 日本レオロジー学会 日本レオロジー学会誌編集委員
  • 2023/01 - 2023/12 関東高分子若手研究会 世話人代表
  • 2016/06 - 2016/09 International Congress on Rheology 現地委員
Awards (14):
  • 2024/07 - The 40th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Drug Delivery System Best 14 min-Presentation Award
  • 2023/05 - 日本レオロジー学会 日本レオロジー学会奨励賞 明確な構造を持つ永久および過渡的高分子網目材料の精密レオロジー解析
  • 2022/09 - 13th International Gel Symposium Early Career Researcher Award
  • 2021/03 - 一般財団法人 総合研究奨励会 総合研究奨励賞
  • 2020/05 - The Society of Polymer Science, Japan Award for Encouragement of Research in Polymer Science; The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (2020)
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Association Membership(s) (3):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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