J-GLOBAL ID:201901006888262320
Update date: Aug. 22, 2024
Ohki Shinya
オオキシンヤ | Ohki Shinya
Affiliation and department:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
- 2021 - 2026 Studies on molecular mechanism of effector-mediated establishment of host specificity in plant pathogens and their application
- 2020 - 2023 揺らいだ分子構造の植物病原菌エフェクターDN3の機能発現機構
- 2021 - 2022 エフェクターに基づく植物病原菌の宿主特異性成立の分子基盤
- 2018 - 2021 The pathogenic calcification mechanism in the dental pulp through AGEs/RAGE signal pathway elucidated by the imaging mass spectroscopy
- 2017 - 2020 Structuer-function relationship of CoDN3, an effector of Colletotrichum orbiculare
- 2013 - 2016 Mechanism for regulating stomatal density by signaling from outside to inside of cells
- 2008 - 2010 A new approach for sample preparation : expression and stable-isotope labeling of mature proteins using plant cells
- 2003 - 2005 バイオマテリアルを用いた機能性ゲルの作成とその物性の検討
- 1994 - 1994 NMRによる酵母カルモデュリンの構造の研究
- 1993 - 1993 カルシウム結合蛋白質の構造のNMRによる研究
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Papers (61):
Naohiko Iguchi, Noriyoshi Isozumi, Yoshikazu Hattori, Tomohiro Imamura, Masatomo So, Hitoki Nanaura, Takao Kiriyama, Nobuyuki Eura, Minako Yamaoka, Mari Nakanishi, et al. Zinc finger domains bind low-complexity domain polymers. 2023
Jing Gu, Noriyoshi Isozumi, Bin Gao, Shinya Ohki, Shunyi Zhu. Mutation-driven evolution of antibacterial function in an ancestral antifungal scaffold: Significance for peptide engineering. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2022. 13
Maiki Tamura, Chiharu Tatsushiro, Eugene Hayato Morita, Shinya Ohki. Structural and functional studies of LaIT2, an antimicrobial and insecticidal peptide from Liocheles australasiae. Toxicon. 2022. 214. 8-17
Tomohiro Imamura, Noriyoshi Isozumi, Yasuki Higashimura, Hironori Koga, Tenta Segawa, Natsumi Desaka, Hiroki Takagi, Kenji Matsumoto, Shinya Ohki, Masashi Mori. Red-Beet Betalain Pigments Inhibit Amyloid-β Aggregation and Toxicity in Amyloid-β Expressing Caenorhabditis elegans. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 2022. 77. 1. 90-97
Shunyi Zhu, Bin Gao, Yoshitaka Umetsu, Steve Peigneur, Ping Li, Shinya Ohki, Jan Tytgat. Adaptively evolved human oral actinomyces-sourced defensins show therapeutic potential. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2021
MISC (16):
大木進野, 森正之. 植物の気孔密度を調節する機構. NMR (Web). 2014. 5. 32-38 (WEB ONLY)-38
大木進野. 第5回 ナノテクノロジープラットフォームを活用した研究・技術開発の新展開~ベンチャー,中小から大企業まで~分子物質合成プラットフォーム-全学体制で組織的に支援. 工業材料. 2014. 62. 10. 76-78
大木進野, 森正之. 気孔の数を増やすペプチドの構造と機能の解析-調製困難なタンパク質試料を発現・標識する技術の開発と応用事例. 未来材料. 2012. 12. 4. 47-52
布村渉, 五十棲規嘉, 大木進野, 高桑雄一. calmodulinのprotein4.1R由来ペプチド(pep11)の結合部位. 東京女子医科大学総合研究所紀要. 2012. 32. 24-25
加藤 有介, 八木 俊樹, 大木 進野, 由良 敬, 清水 洋輔, 本田 真也, 神谷 律, 田之倉 優. ダイニン微小管結合部位の構造と機能. バイオイメージング. 2008. 17. 2. 204-205
Books (4):
基礎から学ぶ構造生物学 第5章「基本的な2次構造を持つタンパク質」
共立出版 2008
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology vol.592 (Regulatory Mechanisms of Striated Muscle Contraction) Structural Basis for Calcium Regulated Relaxation of Striated Muscle at Interaction Sites of Troponin with Actin and Tropomyosin
Springer (Eds. S.Ebashi & I.Ohtsuki) 2007
Recent Developments in Stable-Isotope-Aided Mathods for Protein NMR Spectroscopy in Modern Magnetic Resonance (Ed. G.A.Webb)
Springer 2006
三共出版 2004
Lectures and oral presentations (27):
Structure and dynamics of LaIT2, a toxic peptide, from Japanese scorpion, Liocheles australasiae
(60th Annual Meeting of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Society of Japan (NMRSJ 2021) 2021)
CoDN3, an Effector of Colletotrichum Orbiculare, Is an IDP (Intrinsically Disordered Protein) That Binds to Calmodulin in a Ca2+ Dependent Manner
Structural Modeling Of LaIT2 As A Peptide Toxin In The Venom Of Japanese Scorpion Liocheles australasiae, With Cross Validation Experiments Using Polyclonal Antibodies For LaIT2 And C-LaIT2
Solution NMR structure of LaIT2, an antimicrobial peptide of Yaeyama scorpion (Liocheles australasiae)
(日本生化学会北陸支部第38回大会 2020)
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (1996) received from Hokkaido University
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本核磁気共鳴学会
, 日本タンパク質科学会
, The biophysical society of Japan
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