Kazuho Yamasaki. Śāntarasa in the Avadānakalpalatā. The Annals of the Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic. 2022. 19. 139-167
Kazuho Yamasaki. Similes in the Avadānakalpalatā. Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies (Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu). 2021. 69. 3. 1027-1032
Kazuho Yamasaki. The Description of Elephants in the Avadānakalpalatā: The Legend of Dhanapāla. The Annals of the Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic. 2021. 18. 69-84
Kazuho Yamasaki. Ornaments of Speech in Kṣemendra's Avadānakalpalatā. The East. 2020. 35. 69-85
Kazuho Yamasaki. On Sentiments in the Avadānakalpalatā. The Annals of the Research Project Center for the Comparative Study of Logic. 2020. 17. 65-79