Research field (1):
Plants: molecular biology and physiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
2005 - 2006 葉緑体遺伝子発現を制御する核因子群の同定と機能解析
2002 - 2004 Functional analysis of plastid transcription factors by chloroplast transformation.
1999 - 2001 Production of a biosensor detecting nitrate in water and development of techniques to reduce nitrate compounds in water.
1998 - 2000 Studies on the photorespiration in higher plants to increase the capacity of photosynthesis.
1998 - 2000 Studies on the physiological role of photorespiration in higher plants.
1995 - 1997 Molecular breeding of crops that highly absorb nitrogen for the purpose ofsaving energy and for the environmental protection.
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Papers (14):
Yoichi Nakahira, Kaori Mizuno, Hirofumi Yamashita, Minami Tsuchikura, Kaoru Takeuchi, Takashi Shiina, Hidemasa Kawakami. Mass Production of Virus-Like Particles Using Chloroplast Genetic Engineering for Highly Immunogenic Oral Vaccine Against Fish Disease. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021. 12. 717952-717952
Shun-Ya Uomori, Hirofumi Yamashita, Manabu Saito, Yoichi Haruyama, Keisuke Yasuda. Change of concentrations and distributions of aluminum and manganese in tea leaves. International Journal of PIXE. 2013. 23. 01n02. 13-19