Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2017 - 2020 Development of intracellular multi-monitoring system and its application for analysis of glycation effect on tumor cells
2014 - 2016 Development of monitoring system for intracelular reactive carbon spices-related glycation
2011 - 2012 Development of intracellular glycated products monitoring systems for cellular functional regulation.
2008 - 2009 Design of novel transcriptional regulators for the development of an intracellular sensing and functional regulation platform in mammalian cells
Design of novel transcriptional regulators based on substrate binding proteins. 2008. 59. 4. 313-319
SAKAGUCHI Akane, TSUGAWA Wakako, SODE Koji. 3B10-3 Development of a novel biosensing system for hemoglobin Ale based on an engineered fructosyl amino acid binding protein. 2006. 18. 33-33
Goto Hiroki, Sakaguchi Akane, Tsugawa Wakako, Sode koji. 610 Cloning of a fructosyl-amine oxidase from a Gram-positive bacterium. 2002. 14. 97-97