J-GLOBAL ID:201901010331700763
Update date: Jun. 21, 2023
OH Dok Lip
OH Dok Lip
Affiliation and department:
Papers (8):
Dok Lip OH. Discourse on the “Kodokushi” in Japan : The Development of Community Discourse and the Direction of Welfare for the Elderly in Japan. Korean Journal of Japanese Studies. 2023. 28. 20-61
OH Doklip. ‘Kodokushi’ Phenomenon as ‘The Declaration of the Person Concerned’. 2022. 17. 1-18
OH Dok-lip. COVID19 and Modern Society: A Preliminary Study of COVID19 and Social Distancing in Sociology. 2021. 72. 34-51
A study on the Components of 'Kodokushi(Solitary Death) Phenomenon'. 2018. 32. 31-45
呉 獨立. 韓国の老人長期療養保険法案審議過程における争点と問題の「ありよう」 : 国会議事録分析を中心に. 地方自治ふくおか. 2018. 66. 74-95
MISC (1):
OH Dok-lip. Kodokushi as Social Problem and Reconsideration of the Policy Direction. 2021. 706. 16-21
Books (1):
「孤独死現象」の社会学 : 実在、言説、そしてコミュニティ
成文堂 2021 ISBN:9784792334154
Lectures and oral presentations (1):
Individuals Still Need Society: The Case of ‘honbab’ and ‘honsul’ in Korea
Work history (2):
- 2022/12 - 現在 福岡県地方自治研究所
- 2022/09 - 2023/03 Waseda University Faculty of Social Sciences Lecturer (part-time)
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