J-GLOBAL ID:201901013457024665
Update date: Jan. 23, 2024
Murakami Koichi
ムラカミ コウイチ | Murakami Koichi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Hematology and oncology
Research keywords (1):
Papers (19):
Shunsuke Soma, Koichi Murakami, Yumi Fukuchi, Hiroyoshi Kunimoto, Hideaki Nakajima. O-Linked N-Acetylglucosamine Transferase Ensures Survival of Mouse Fetal Liver Hematopoietic Progenitors Partly by Regulating Bcl-xL and Oxidative Phosphorylation. Stem Cells. 2023
Shintaro Watanuki, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Yuki Sugiura, Masamichi Yamamoto, Daiki Karigane, Kohei Shiroshita, Yuriko Sorimachi, Shuhei Koide, Motohiko Oshima, Akira Nishiyama, et al. Context-Dependent Modification of PFKFB3 in Hematopoietic Stem Cells Promotes Anaerobic Glycolysis and Ensures Stress Hematopoiesis. bioRxiv. 2023
池田 順治, 國本 博義, 齋藤 祐介, 辻本 信一, 竹内 正宣, 三浦 彩華, 村上 紘一, 加藤 生真, 菱木 貴子, 早川 典代, et al. 急性骨髄性白血病においてPRDM16による代謝リプログラミングはシタラビン耐性を誘導する. 日本血液学会学術集会. 2022. 84回. 1348-1348
Ryosuke Jikuya, Koichi Murakami, Akira Nishiyama, Ikuma Kato, Mitsuko Furuya, Jun Nakabayashi, Jordan A. Ramilowski, Haruka Hamanoue, Kazuhiro Maejima, Masashi Fujita, et al. Single-cell transcriptomes underscore genetically distinct tumor characteristics and microenvironment for hereditary kidney cancers. iScience. 2022. 25. 6. 104463-104463
Yasutaka Hayashi, Kimihito C Kawabata, Yosuke Tanaka, Yasufumi Uehara, Yo Mabuchi, Koichi Murakami, Akira Nishiyama, Shigeru Kiryu, Yusuke Yoshioka, Yasunori Ota, et al. MDS cells impair osteolineage differentiation of MSCs via extracellular vesicles to suppress normal hematopoiesis. Cell reports. 2022. 39. 6. 110805-110805
MISC (4):
蓮見 壽史, 村上 紘一, 加藤 生真, 馬場 理也, 藤井 誠志, 矢尾 正祐, 田村 智彦, 中川 英刀. 多種多様な遺伝性腎癌の腫瘍微小環境と腫瘍内不均一性(Tumor microenvironment and intratumor heterogeneity of diverse hereditary kidney cancers). 日本癌学会総会記事. 2022. 81回. E-3074
國本博義, 福地由美, 村上紘一, 池田順治, 寺中寛, 加藤生真, 宮崎拓也, 江中牧子, 三ツ橋雄之, 山崎悦子, et al. 3番染色体転座と7番染色体欠失を有する高リスクMDS/AMLからの細胞株と異種移植モデルの樹立. 日本血液学会学術集会抄録(Web). 2020. 82nd
Koichi Murakami, Daisuke Kurotaki, Wataru Kawase, Shunsuke Soma, Yumi Fukuchi, Hiroyoshi Kunimoto, Ryusuke Yoshimi, Shuhei Koide, Motohiko Oshima, Takako Hishiki, et al. Regulation of Mitophagy By O-Linked N-Acetylglucosamine Transferase Is Essential for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Maintenance. BLOOD. 2018. 132
村上 紘一, 黒滝 大翼, 川瀬 航, 相馬 俊介, 福地 由美, 國本 博義, 吉見 竜介, 小出 周平, 大島 基彦, 小田 真由美, et al. O-GlcNAc化による造血幹細胞ミトコンドリアダイナミクスの制御(O-GlcNAcylation is critical for mitochondrial dynamics in hematopoietic stem cells). 臨床血液. 2018. 59. 9. 1483-1483
Lectures and oral presentations (2):
RUNX/CBFβ-driven Irf8 enhancer decides the lineage choice between monocytes and dendritic cells
Hyponatremia associated with HHV-6 encephalitis after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
Professional career (1):
Work history (2):
- 2021/04 - Keio University School of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine (Hematology)
- 2019/04 - 2021/03 Yokohama City University Advanced Medical Research Center Research Associate
Awards (5):
- 2022/10 - 日本血液学会 2022年度 若手論文賞受賞者
- 2019/10 - 日本血液学会 令和元年度 日本血液学会奨励賞
- 2018/12 - American Society of Hematology Abstract Achievement Award
- 2018/08 - International Society for Experimental Hematology Travel Award
- 2016/10 - 第78回日本血液学会 優秀ポスター賞
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 日本癌学会
, 日本内科学会
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