J-GLOBAL ID:201901015992271291
Update date: Feb. 18, 2025
オオイシ リュウスケ | OISHI RYUSUKE
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Money and finance
Papers (21):
MISC (3):
坂上 宏, 虻川 東嗣, 友村 美根子, 大石 隆介, 白瀧 義明, 中谷 祥恵, 真殿 仁美, 小川 由香里, 天野 修司, 刀袮 重信, et al. 組織の活性化と人材の育成 : 分野を超えたコラボの必要性-Improving the working environment and nurturing human resources : Necessity of collaboration across fields. New food industry = ニューフードインダストリー. 2019. 61. 9. 715-719
坂上 宏, 戴 秋娟, 肖 黎, 郑 燕, 大石 隆介, 神崎 龍志, 土田 幸広, 中井 延美, ガルシア-コントレラス レネ. 国際的コミュニケーション能力の重要性(6)ストレス社会における健康管理法. New food industry = ニューフードインダストリー. 2018. 60. 6. 57-69
Interplay between Firms' Financial Constraints and Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities : Impact of Liberalisation of the US Financial Market. 2015. 28. 1. 10-20
Books (2):
"入門テキスト はじめての 情報 メディア コミュニケーション リテラシー"
"発行所 :株式会社技術評論社" 2019
Biological activities and action mechanisms of licorice ingredients:Trading of Licorice between Japan and China:Future Market Prospects
InTech 2017 ISBN:9789535131199
Lectures and oral presentations (6):
Gender Gap on Japan's Precarious Employment and Well-Being in the COVID-19 Pandemic
(A Mini Conference and Special Issue Work and Occupations, Virtual Conference 2022)
Reconsideration of the Gender Disparity Caused by Business Integration and HRM: Occupational Gender Segregation in Japanese Banking Industry
Gender Gap on Japan's Unstable Employment and Well-being in covid-19
(Research Incubator, Technology, Work & Family, Work and Family Researchers Network 2021)
The Impact of Japanese Firms'Stockpiled Cash on Their Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities
("The 16th International Conference of the Japan Economic Policy Association Host:The University of Ryukyu Place:Okinawa Jichikaikan Hall Okinawa,Japan " 2017)
Education (4):
- 2007 - 2012 University of Essex,UK Essex Business School
- 2006 - 2007 Queen Mary,University of London,UK School of Economics and Finance
- 2005 - 2006 Queen Mary,University of London,UK School of Economics and Finance
- 2000 - 2003 University of Auckland,New Zealand The Department of Economics
Professional career (3):
- PhD.in Finance (University of Essex,UK)
- MSc.in Economics (Queen Mary,University of London,UK)
- MSc.in Investment and Finance (Queen Mary,University of London,UK)
Work history (2):
- 2018/04 - 現在 Meikai University Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics
- 2014/04 - 2018/03 Meikai University Faculty of Economics, Department of Economics
Association Membership(s) (2):
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