J-GLOBAL ID:201901017995097244
Update date: Feb. 13, 2025
Yuka Shirakawa
Yuka Shirakawa
Affiliation and department:
Other affiliations (1):
Research field (1):
Neuroscience - general
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2021 - 2024 幼児間相互交渉がコミュニケーション行動の発達と神経基盤に与える影響の解明
- 2020 - 2023 幼児間の相互交渉が神経基盤に与える影響の解明と育児支援環境の構築
- 2013 - 2016 Identification of anxiety induced gene and therapeutic approach
- 2009 - 2011 Research of environmental factors for critical learning periods of empathy in quantitative models of animal refined psychology
Papers (22):
奥村 安寿子, 北村 柚葵, 櫻井 晴子, 白川 由佳, 大山 帆子, 稲垣 真澄, 浅野 倫子, 北 洋輔. ひらがな読み検査に基づく読字困難の過剰判定と検査基準値の検証. 脳と発達. 2024. 56. 6. 420-426
YUKA SHIRAKAWA, YOSUKE KITA, KOTA SUZUKI, YOSHIMI KAGA, YUZUKI KITAMURA, HIDEYUKI OKUZUMI, MASUMI INAGAKI. Effects of Dopaminergic Neurotransmission and Neural Activity Involved in Motor Response Inhibition on Motor Coordination Function. Japanese Journal of Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology. 2023. 41. 2. 120-131
SHIRAKAWA YUKA, KITA YOSUKE, SUZUKI KOTA, KAGA YOSHIMI, KITAMURA YUZUKI, OKUZUMI HIDEYUKI, INAGAKI MASUMI. Effects of Dopaminergic Neurotransmission and Neural Activity Involved in Motor Response Inhibition on Motor Coordination Function. Japanese Journal of Physiological Psychology and Psychophysiology. 2023. 41. 2. 120-131
Y. Kitamura, Y. Okumura, Y. Shirakawa, Y. Ikeda, Y. Kita. Characteristics of shifting ability in children with mild intellectual disabilities: an experimental study with a task-switching paradigm. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 2022. 66. 11. 853-864
Yuka Shirakawa, Ryuichi Yamazaki, Yosuke Kita, Yuzuki Kitamura, Yasuko Okumura, Yuki Inoue, Yuki Matsuda, Fumitoshi Kodaka, Masahiro Shigeta, Shinsuke Kito. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation decreased effortful frontal activity for shifting in patients with major depressive disorder. Neuroreport. 2022. 33. 11. 470-475
MISC (5):
UKEZONO Masatoshi, TAKANO Yuji, FURUIE Hiroki, NAKATAKE Yuko, SHIRAKAWA Yuka, HAYASHI Sayuri, EGASHIRA Yuka, UONO Shota, TAKADA Miki, TAKADA Miki, et al. The effect of lesion in the anterior cingulate cortex on social facilitation in rat. 11th Congress of the Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions, 2023. 2023
田中 美歩, 佐藤 敦史, 池田 和隆, 白川 由佳, 加賀 佳美, 李 コウ, 刑部 仁美, 井上 健, 稲垣 真澄. 不安を伴う発達障害モデルマウスの病態解析. 国立精神・神経医療研究センター精神保健研究所年報. 2017. 30. 238-238
中村 俊, 三村 喬生, 白川 由佳, 山崎 和行, 妹尾 綾, 油井 邦雄, 小柴 満美子. 社会性に関わる脳機能の異常と環境因子との関連 動物と人間の社会性行動発達とその神経基盤. 精神神経学雑誌. 2012. 2012特別. S-228
Yuka Shirakawa, Aya Senoo, Ichio Aoki, Syun Nakamura, Mamiko Koshiba. Analysis of the brain monoamines that affect the control mechanism of social-emotional behavior. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2011. 71. E385-E385
三村喬生, 妹尾綾, 奥谷晃久, 清水航記, 白川由佳, 杉浦寧, 中村俊, 小柴満美子. ヒヨコ同士間社会性発達の定量的評価モデル,及び分子的背景の検討. 日本分子生物学会年会講演要旨集. 2009. 32nd. Vol.3. 215
Lectures and oral presentations (24):
(第40回日本生理心理学会大会・日本感情心理学会第30回大会 合同大会2022 2022)
日常的な喫煙習慣が認知機能に及ぼす影響 - 簡易脳波計による検討
(第40回日本生理心理学会大会・日本感情心理学会第30回大会 合同大会2022 2022)
カテコール-O-メチルトランスフェラーゼ(COMT )遺伝子多型が協調運動機能に及ぼす影響
(第4回日本DCD学会学術集会 2021)
The effects of valproic acid for abnormal sleep rhythm in mice with partial defect of Srrm4.
(6th Congress of Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology (AsCNP) 2019)
Motor skills do not affect the choice of action in children with attention-deficit hyperactive disorder.
(21st Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) 2019)
Education (3):
- 2010 - 2013 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 2008 - 2010 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
- 2004 - 2008 Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of engineering (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Work history (5):
- 2022/04 - 現在 Keio University Faculty of Letters
- 2017/04 - 現在 Nihon University College of Humanities and Sciences
- 2017/01 - 現在 National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
- 2021/04 - 2022/03 Hitotsubashi University
- 2013/04 - 2016/03 National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
Awards (1):
- 2021/04 - 第4回日本DCD学会学術集会 若手奨励賞 カテコール-O-メチルトランスフェラーゼ(COMT )遺伝子多型が協調運動機能に及ぼす影響
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