J-GLOBAL ID:201902232127824350   Reference number:19A1525635

The Appealing Power and Ripple Effect in Entrepreneurial Research

Author (1):
Volume: 52  Issue:Page: 52-60  Publication year: Jun. 20, 2019 
JST Material Number: G0726A  ISSN: 0286-9713  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Management engineering in general 
Reference (43):
  • Anderson, B. S., & Eshima, Y. (2013). The influence of firm age and intangible resources on the relationship between en­trepreneurial orientation and firm growth among Japanese SMEs. <i>Journal of Business Venturing, 28</i>(3), 413-429.
  • Battilana, J., Leca, B., & Boxenbaum, E. (2009). How actors change institutions: Towards a theory of institutional en­trepreneurship. <i>Academy of Management Annals</i>, 3(1), 65-107.
  • 出口将人(2017).「地域の産業集積の多様性とその決定要因-岐阜県東濃地域の陶磁器産地と他産地との比較をつうじて-」『組織科学』50(4),41-53.
  • Drucker, P. F. (1985). Innovation and entrepreneurship. London, UK: HarperCollins Publishers(上田惇生訳『イノベーションと企業家精神』ドラッカー名著集5,東京:ダイヤモンド社,2007).
  • 江島由裕(2018).『小さな会社の大きな力-逆境を成長に変える企業家的志向性(EO)-』東京:中央経済社.
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