J-GLOBAL ID:201902260926168768   Reference number:19A0109697


Author (1):
Volume: 49  Issue:Page: 143-148  Publication year: Dec. 25, 2018 
JST Material Number: L0964A  ISSN: 0388-8517  Document type: Article
Article type: 解説  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Facilities for crop cultivation 
Reference (72):
  • ASABE (2003): Heating, ventilating and cooling greenhouses, ANSI/ASAE EP406.4 JAN2003, ASABE, 9 pp.
  • 安 東赫(2018):普及に向けた施設園芸ICTの展望,簡易UECSの活用,農業および園芸,93(4),345-351.
  • Bartok,J.W(2009):追録4水平気流は温室環境を改善する(温室の省エネルギー),農村工学研究所,135-138.
  • Both, A.J. (2004): Insect screening basics, Personal communication, 4 pp.
  • Boulard, T., Kittas, C., Roy, J.C. and Wang, S. (2002): Convective and ventilation transfer in greenhouses, part 2: Determination of the distributed greenhouse climate, Biosystems Eng., 83(2), 129-147.
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