Late Pleistocene stratigraphy of rhyolite tephra beds in Toshima, northern Izu Islands. 2022. 61. 3. 87-107
Yuji Ishii, Takayuki Takahashi, Kazumi Ito. Luminescence dating of cobbles from Pleistocene fluvial terrace deposits of the Ara River, Japan. Quaternary Geochronology. 2022. 67. 101228-101228
寺山怜, 小林淳, 村田昌則, 高橋尚志, 鈴木毅彦. Tepha beds during the pre-caldera formation in north and west parts of the Izu-Oshima volcano, Japan. 月刊地球. 2022. 44. 3. 147-155
Takayuki Takahashi, Toshihiko Sugai. Spatiotemporally varying inter-relationships between mainstem riverbed elevation and tributary sediment supply since the last interglacial in the upper Ara River, central Japan. Geomorphology. 2021. 383. 107697-107697
Tephrostratigraphy and Eruption History of Kozushima Volcano, Izu Islands, Central Japan during the Last 30,000 Years. 2021. 130. 3. 379-402
Measuring roundness of fluvial terrace gravel using image analysis in the middle Sagami River, central Japan
(日本地理学会発表要旨集 2024)
The changing connectivity between tributaries and mainstem rivers under climatic changes during glacial-interglacial cycles
(XXI INQUA Congress 2023)
A 30,000 yr high-precision eruption history in the north Izu Islands, off Tokyo, Japan
(XXI INQUA Congress 2023)
Sediment yield of the landslides induced by the 1923 Kanto Earthquake in the mountainous area of the western Kanagawa Prefecture, central Japan
(日本地形学連合発表要旨集(Web) 2023)
Relationships between terrace development around tributary junctions and morphologies of tributary basin in the Doushi River, a tributary of the Sagami River, central Japan
(日本地球惑星科学連合大会予稿集(Web) 2023)
2021/01 - 現在 Tohoku University International Research Institute of Disaster Science Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division Assistant Professor
2020/04 - 2021/03 Tokyo Future University
2019/05 - 2020/12 東京都立大学 火山災害研究センター 特任研究員
2019/02 - 2019/04 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology