Research field (2):
Cognitive sciences
, Linguistics
Research keywords (3):
, 認知言語学
, アイヌ語
Papers (11):
Takuya Inoue. Toward an ecological model of language: from cognitive linguistics to ecological semantics. Language Sciences. 2023. 100. 101582-101582
Takuya Inoue. Ecological Semantics applied: An analysis of perceptual structure of Japanese locative expressions. Studies in in the Japanese Language. 2023. 19. 1. 77-92
井上拓也. 生態学的実在論に基づく意味論に関する研究-理論的考察と実践的言語記述-. 2023
Inoue, Takuya. Meaning derivation in verbing nouns : An analysis of tool nouns from the ecological semantics perspective. KINDAI UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR LIBERAL ARTS AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION JOURNAL (FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDITION). 2023. 14. 1. 23-44
INOUE Takuya. Various aspects of language as a perceptual design: Establishing a methodology for ecological language analysis. JSAI Technical Report, SIG-SLUD. 2024. 101. 88-93
Inoue, Takuya. Toward an Interactional Semantic Description of Nouns: From An Ecological Perspective. IEICE Technical Report. 2023. 1-6
A Critical Study of Cognitive Linguistics: Toward the Ecological View on Language. A Critical Study of Cognitive Linguistics: Toward the Ecological View on Language. 2018. 35th. 409-416
INOUE Takuya. Linguistic Design for Perception of Affordance : A Theoretical Study of the Ecological Linguistics. Japanese Journal of Ecological Psychology. 2018. 11. 2. 59-62
Studies in cognitive linguistics No.17
2023 ISBN:9784823412035
Studies in Cognitive Linguistics No.16
2022 ISBN:9784823411311
Lectures and oral presentations (12):
Toward an interactional semantic description of nouns: An ecological perspective
Visualization and analysis of the denial of discriminatory experiences of the Ainu people on SNS
(Embracing Change through Resilience & Transformation in the Post-COVID-19 World 2022)
Reviewing Cognitive Theories of Language as Descriptive Tools for "Ecological Semantics"
(the 9th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition 2018)