Tatsuki Ogura. Effects of feed crops and boiling on chicken egg yolk and white determined by a metabolome analysis. Food Chemistry. 2020. 327. 127077-127077
Tatsuki Ogura, Yasuhiro Date, Masego Masukujane, Tidimalo Coetzee, Kinya Akashi, Jun Kikuchi. Improvement of physical, chemical, and biological properties of aridisol from Botswana by the incorporation of torrefied biomass. Scientific Reports. 2016. 6
Tatsuki Ogura, Reona Hoshino, Yasuhiro Date, Jun Kikuchi. Visualization of microfloral metabolism for marine waste recycling. Metabolites. 2016. 6. 1
小倉立己, 若山正隆, 若山正隆. Comparison of qNMR method between conventional and coaxial tube. Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the NMR Society of Japan. 2023. 62nd (CD-ROM)
2022/12 - 現在 Keio University institute for Advanced Biosciences Research associate
Awards (3):
2024/09 - qNMR summit in Europe Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry Congratulates Coaxial tube qNMR for various solutions using SI-traceable concentration standards