J-GLOBAL ID:202001002182534250   Update date: Feb. 01, 2024

Yasui Ryosuke

ヤスイ リョウスケ | Yasui Ryosuke
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (3): Atmospheric and hydrospheric science ,  Space and planetary science ,  Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
Research keywords  (6): 超高層物理学 ,  電離圏 ,  大気化学 ,  Aerosol ,  Climate change ,  Middle atmosphere
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2022 - 2027 中間圏および下部熱圏の温度構造形成機構における大気微量化学種の役割
  • 2021 - 2022 中性大気-電離大気結合化学輸送モデルを用いた中間圏及び熱圏の温度構造形成機構の解明
  • 2017 - 2019 Momentum budget of the neutral atmosphere and effect of the ionized atmosphere in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
Papers (5):
  • Ryosuke Yasui, Kaoru Sato, Yasunobu Miyoshi. Roles of Rossby Waves, Rossby-Gravity Waves, and Gravity Waves Generated in the Middle Atmosphere for Interhemispheric Coupling. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2021. 78. 12. 3867-3888
  • Yayoi Harada, Kaoru Sato, Takenari Kinoshita, Ryosuke Yasui, Toshihiko Hirooka, Hiroaki Naoe. Diagnostics of a WN2-Type Major Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event in February 2018 Using a New Three-Dimensional Wave Activity Flux. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 2019. 124. 12. 6120-6142
  • Ryosuke Yasui, Kaoru Sato, Yasunobu Miyoshi. The Momentum Budget in the Stratosphere, Mesosphere, and Lower Thermosphere. Part II: The In Situ Generation of Gravity Waves. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2018. 75. 10. 3635-3651
  • Kaoru Sato, Ryosuke Yasui, Yasunobu Miyoshi. The Momentum Budget in the Stratosphere, Mesosphere, and Lower Thermosphere. Part I: Contributions of Different Wave Types and In Situ Generation of Rossby Waves. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 2018. 75. 10. 3613-3633
  • Ryosuke Yasui, Kaoru Sato, Masaki Tsutsumi. Seasonal and Interannual Variation of Mesospheric Gravity Waves Based on MF Radar Observations over 15 Years at Syowa Station in the Antarctic. SOLA. 2016. 12. 0. 46-50
MISC (1):
  • 安井 良輔, 佐藤 薫, 堤 雅基. D404 昭和基地MFレーダーの長期観測に基づく潮汐波・重力波・惑星波のクライマトロジーと年々変動の研究(中高緯度大気・相互作用,一般口頭発表). 大会講演予講集. 2015. 107. 396-396
Lectures and oral presentations  (20):
  • SCALE-RMを用いた超高解像度エアロゾル輸送モデルの開発
    (日本気象学会 2021)
  • 南北両半球間結合における中層大気でのロスビー波および重力波発生の役割
    (日本気象学会 極域寒冷域研究連絡会 2020)
  • 赤道成層圏を介した南北半球間結合
    (地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会 2019)
  • 北極成層圏突然昇温に伴う南半球中間圏および下部熱圏の高温偏差
    (日本気象学会 2019)
  • 北極成層圏突然昇温に伴う赤道から南半球亜熱帯に及ぶ低温偏差
    (日本気象学会 2018)
Education (3):
  • 2016 - 2020 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Science
  • 2014 - 2016 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Science
  • 2010 - 2014 Osaka University School of Science
Work history (5):
  • 2022/05 - 現在 Meteorological Research Institute
  • 2021/04 - 2022/05 Kyushu University Research Institute for Applied Mechanics
  • 2020/05 - 2021/03 Kyushu University Research Institute for Applied Mechanics
  • 2019/04 - 2020/03 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science
  • 2017/04 - 2019/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Awards (1):
  • 2016/05 - JpGU JpGU 2016 Outstanding Student Presentation Award An analysis on the momentum budget in the MLT region based on satellite and whole atmosphere model data
Association Membership(s) (3):
日本気象学会 ,  日本地球惑星科学連合 ,  日本放射化学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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