Toru Miwa, Shimon Nagatsuma, Yuga Hirakata, Mami Nagai, Tomoya Ikarashi, Yuya Takimoto, Takahiro Watari, Takashi Yamaguchi, Masashi Hatamoto. Combination of a membrane bioreactor with a rotating biological contactor holding several diverse metazoans can reduce excess sludge with fouling mitigation. Water Research. 2024. 122352-122352
Yuga Hirakata, Ran Mei, Kana Morinaga, Taiki Katayama, Hideyuki Tamaki, Xian-Ying Meng, Takahiro Watari, Takashi Yamaguchi, Masashi Hatamoto, Masaru K Nobu. Identification and cultivation of anaerobic bacterial scavengers of dead cells. The ISME journal. 2023
Kyohei Kuroda, Meri Nakajima, Ryosuke Nakai, Yuga Hirakata, Shuka Kagemasa, Kengo Kubota, Taro Q.P. Noguchi, Kyosuke Yamamoto, Hisashi Satoh, Masaru K. Nobu, et al. Microscopic and metatranscriptomic analyses revealed unique cross-domain symbiosis betweenCandidatusPatescibacteria/candidate phyla radiation (CPR) and methanogenic archaea in anaerobic ecosystems. mBio. 2023. 15. 3. e0310223
Kyohei Kuroda, Kyosuke Yamamoto, Ryosuke Nakai, Yuga Hirakata, Kengo Kubota, Masaru K. Nobu, Takashi Narihiro. Symbiosis between Patescibacteria and Archaea discovered in wastewater-treating bioreactors. 2022
平片悠河, 延優, MEI Ran, 森永花菜, 玉木秀幸, MENG Xian-ying, 渡利高大, 幡本将史, 山口隆司, 山口隆司. Cultivation of anaerobic dead cell scavenger. 日本微生物生態学会大会(Web). 2023. 36th
中島芽梨, 中島芽梨, 中井亮佑, 平片悠河, 景政柊蘭, 久保田健吾, 野口太郎, 山本京祐, 佐藤久, 延優, et al. Unique cross-domain symbiosis between Candidatus Patescibacteria/candidate phyla radiation (CPR) and methanogens. 日本微生物生態学会大会(Web). 2023. 36th
綿貫夏帆, 幡本将史, 山口隆司, 渡利高大, 平片悠河. Isolation and Cultivation of Methanogenic Archaea Using the Anaerobic Protozoan Cyclidium sp. 日本水環境学会年会講演集. 2022. 56th
阿久澤秀磨, 綿貫夏帆, 渡利高大, 幡本将史, 山口隆司, 平片悠河, 荒木信夫. Isolation of methanogenic archaea using endosymbiotic relationship of Cyclidium sp., which acquiring the endosymbiotic methanogen from natural environment. 日本水環境学会年会講演集. 2021. 55th
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Fermentative metabolic profiles of the anaerobic protists, Cyclidium sp., Trichomitus sp., and Cercomonas sp.
(10th IWA International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries 2019)
Selective predation of bacterial cell by anaerobic protists
(The 16th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion 2019)