J-GLOBAL ID:202001003809813903   Update date: Feb. 02, 2025

Ueda Masashi

Ueda Masashi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant professor
Research field  (6): Neuroanatomy and physiology ,  Pharmacology ,  Developmental biology ,  Cell biology ,  Laboratory animal science ,  Molecular biology
Research keywords  (5): 小胞体を介したカスペース活性化機構 ,  子宮内電気穿孔法 ,  ZTTK症候群 ,  マウス脳におけるシナプス形成 ,  知的障害発症機構
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (3):
  • 2020 - 2024 ZTTK症候群の知的障害発症機構解明を目指した核内蛋白質SONの機能解析
  • 2017 - 2023 自閉症原因遺伝子NLGN4Xの発現変化に起因する分子病態の解析
  • 2017 - 2020 The elucidation of the cellular pathological mechanism of ZTTK syndrome, an intellectual disability, which is caused by SON haploinsufficiency
Papers (22):
  • Tohru Matsuki, Hidenori Tabata, Masashi Ueda, Hideaki Ito, Koh-ichi Nagata, Yumi Tsuneura, Shima Eda, Kenji Kasai, Atsuo Nakayama. The MCPH7 Gene Product STIL Is Essential for Dendritic Spine Formation. Cells. 2025
  • Akie Toya, Masahide Fukada, Eiko Aoki, Tohru Matsuki, Masashi Ueda, Shima Eda, Yoshio Hashizume, Akio Iio, Shigeo Masaki, Atsuo Nakayama. The distribution of neuroligin4, an autism-related postsynaptic molecule, in the human brain. Molecular brain. 2023. 16. 1. 20-20
  • Kiyomi Nakagawa, Saiful Islam, Masashi Ueda, Toshiyuki Nakagawa. Endoplasmic reticulum stress contributes to the decline in doublecortin expression in the immature neurons of mice with long-term obesity. Scientific reports. 2022. 12. 1. 1022-1022
  • Tohru Matsuki, Akio Iio, Masashi Ueda, Yumi Tsuneura, Brian W Howell, Atsuo Nakayama. STK25 and MST3 have overlapping roles to regulate Rho GTPases during cortical development. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2021. 41. 43. 8887-8903
  • Masashi Ueda, Tohru Matsuki, Masahide Fukada, Shima Eda, Akie Toya, Akio Iio, Hidenori Tabata, Atsuo Nakayama. Knockdown of Son, a mouse homologue of the ZTTK syndrome gene, causes neuronal migration defects and dendritic spine abnormalities. Molecular brain. 2020. 13. 1. 80-80
MISC (3):
  • 松木亨, 飯尾明生, 上田昌史, 上田昌史, 常浦祐未, BRIAN Howell, 中山敦雄. STK25が関与する大脳皮質形成機構. 日本臨床分子形態学会総会・学術集会講演プログラム・要旨集. 2021. 53rd
  • 早川実希, 伊藤正徳, 太田和徳, 李詩沫, 上田昌史, 王びょう星, 西田江美香, 中川敏幸. 肥満・糖尿病によるアルツハイマー病モデルマウスの病態解明. 機能性食品と薬理栄養. 2014. 8. 5
  • 鈴木 欣宏, 酒向 ゆかり, 光田 輝彦, 矢野 佳芳, 伊藤 正徳, 上田 昌史, 太田 和徳, 李 詩沫, 犬塚 貴, 中川 敏幸. γ-セクレターゼ活性を制御する新規プレセニリン2アイソフォームの解析. 臨床神経学. 2007. 47. 12. 995-995
Lectures and oral presentations  (5):
  • SON haploinsufficiency, a cause of human intellectual disabilities, affects the neuronal migrations and dendritic spine formations in the developing mouse brain
    (Society for Neuroscience (49th Annual Meeting))
  • SON haploinsufficiency, which is causing an intellectual disability, dysregulates neuronal migration in developing mouse brain
    (The 11th NAGOYA Global Retreat 2019)
  • Insertion of polyglutamine to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane with the morphological disruption initiates the cell death through Bax
    (The 9th NAGOYA Global Retreat 2017)
  • Polyglutamine expansion affects morphology of the endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria contact sites, initiating cell death
    (Society for Neuroscience (43nd Annual Meeting))
  • Disruption of the endoplasmic reticulum by polyglutamine expansion induces Apaf-1-dependent, activation of caspase-7
    (Society for Neuroscience (39th Annual Meeting))
Education (3):
  • 2007 - 2013 Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
  • 2005 - 2007 Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
  • 2001 - 2005 Gifu Pharmaceutical University Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science Department of Manufacturing Pharmacy
Professional career (1):
  • Regeneration and Advanced Medical Sciences (Gifu University)
Work history (4):
  • 2022/06 - 現在 Aichi Medical University School of Medicine
  • 2020/05 - 2022/05 National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
  • 2016/09 - 2020/04 愛知県医療療育総合センター 発達障害研究所 細胞病態研究部門 リサーチレジデント
  • 2013/04 - 2016/08 Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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