Research field (4):
History - Asia/Africa
, History - Asia/Africa
, Local studies
, Politics
Research keywords (9):
ROK-US Relations
, Korean History of Political Thought
, Gender
, 過去清算
, Transitional Justice
, Gwangju Democratic Uprising
, Cold War
, Human Rights
, South Korea
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
Yukie Sato. Gender, Political Conflicts, and Korean MZ Generation: A Key to Overcome the Dichotomy of "Misogyny vs. Misandry". Korean Studies. 2023. 11. 19-30
사토 유키에. 민주적 사회의 실현과 "부정의의 감각(sense of injustice)": 한일 비교를 통한 '민주시민교육'에 있어서의 젠더 교육의 가능성. 동아시아와 시민. 2022. 1. 151-188
사토 유키에(著・監訳), 권상해(訳). 5・18의 내러티브를 다양화한다는 것: '당사자가 아님'의 불가능성에 관한 일고찰. Flou. 2023. 2. 7-19
Yukie Sato. Resistance, Violence, and the US Human Rights Diplomacy in Cold War East Asia: Comparing the Gwangju Uprising with the Kaohsiung Incident. Proceedings paper for the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center 2022 Summer International Symposium "An Anarchist Turn?: Imperial Rule and Resistance in the Long Twentieth Century". 2022. 1-21
Yukie Sato. The Role of Gender Education for a Democratic Society: Lessons from a Comparison of #MeToo Movement in South Korea and Japan. 2021. 119-127
How Can Justice Between South Korea and Japan Be Realized?: The Possibility of a Gender Perspective
Resistance, Violence, and the US Human Rights Diplomacy in Cold War East Asia: Comparing the Gwangju Uprising and the Kaohsiung Incident
(Slavic-Eurasian Research Center 2022 Summer International Symposium "An Anarchist Turn?: Imperial Rule and Resistance in the Long Twentieth Century" 2022)
The Role of Gender Education for a Democratic Society: Lessons from a Comparison of the #MeToo Movement in South Korea and Japan
(2021부산민주시민교육 국제포럼 동아시아 민주주의와 민주시민교육: 과거, 현재 그리고 미래 2021)
British Opinion and South Korean Politics: The Gwangju Uprising (1980) through the Lens of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office
(14th Research Showcase 2021)