J-GLOBAL ID:202001006337811056   Update date: Nov. 22, 2024

Noguchi Rina

ノグチ リナ | Noguchi Rina
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Associate professor
Research field  (2): Space and planetary science ,  Solid earth science
Research keywords  (6): 露頭調査 ,  Rootless cone ,  Volcanic ash ,  Volcanic landform ,  Volcanology ,  Mars
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (5):
  • 2022 - 2027 Lahar flow simulation, scenario models, and hazard assessment of active snow- and ice-clad volcanoes in southern Chile
  • 2022 - 2026 Development of an automatic drawing scheme for stratigraphic column applicable to Mars
  • 2022 - 2025 岩相の特徴量自動認識による火山性露頭その場調査手法の研究
  • 2020 - 2024 火山灰のシステマティックス構築に基づく噴火推移と火道進化過程の関係解明研究
  • 2017 - 2020 Analytical study of the product of volcanic eruption in terms of mathematical statistics for forecasting volcanic eruption sequence
Papers (41):
  • Rina Noguchi, Daigo Shoji. Extraction of stratigraphic exposures on visible images using a supervised machine learning technique. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2023. 11
  • Taishi Yamada, Akihiko Terada, Rina Noguchi, Wataru Kanda, Hideki Ueda, Hiroshi Aoyama, Takahiro Ohkura, Yasuo Ogawa, Toshikazu Tanada. The Onset, Middle, and Climax of Precursory Hydrothermal Intrusion of the 2018 Phreatic Eruption at Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2023
  • Hiroshi Naraoka, Yoshinori Takano, Jason P. Dworkin, Yasuhiro Oba, Kenji Hamase, Aogu Furusho, Nanako O. Ogawa, Minako Hashiguchi, Kazuhiko Fukushima, Dan Aoki, et al. Soluble organic molecules in samples of the carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu. SCIENCE. 2023. 379. 6634. 789-+
  • Ryuji Okazaki, Bernard Marty, Henner Busemann, Ko Hashizume, Jamie D. Gilmour, Alex Meshik, Toru Yada, Fumio Kitajima, Michael W. Broadley, David Byrne, et al. Noble gases and nitrogen in samples of asteroid Ryugu record its volatile sources and recent surface evolution. SCIENCE. 2023. 379. 6634. 788-U52
  • Hikaru Yabuta, George D. Cody, Cecile Engrand, Yoko Kebukawa, Bradley De Gregorio, Lydie Bonal, Laurent Remusat, Rhonda Stroud, Eric Quirico, Larry Nittler, et al. Macromolecular organic matter in samples of the asteroid (162173) Ryugu. SCIENCE. 2023. 379. 6634. 790-U66
MISC (9):
  • Noguchi Rina, Haruyama Junichi, Geshi Nobuo, Shoji Daigo, Fujimoto Keiichiro. Development of an efficient method of outcrop survey using image analysis and machine learning technology. PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS THE VOLCANOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2022. 2022. 106-106
  • 野口, 里奈, 大槻, 静香, 鈴木, 絢子, 植村, 千尋, 長谷川, 直, NOGUCHI, Rina, OTSUKI, Shizuka, SUZUKI, Ayako, UEMURA, Chihiro, HASEGAWA, Sunao. マグマ破砕メカニズム抽出のための溶岩破壊実験2019年度報告-An experimental study for magma fragmentation in volcanic explosion. 令和元年度宇宙科学に関する室内実験シンポジウム 講演集 = Proceedings of 2020 Symposium on Laboratory Experiment for Space Science. 2020
  • Noguchi Rina, Geshi Nobuo, Shoji Daigo, Hino Hideitsu. Development of initial description method for volcanic ash using grain shape and transparency. PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS THE VOLCANOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2020. 2020. 27-27
  • 平田成, 平田直之, 野口里奈, 嶌生有理, 杉田精司, 松本晃治, 千秋博紀, 山本幸生, 村上真也, 村上真也, et al. 小惑星リュウグウ形状モデリングの現状. 日本惑星科学会秋季講演会予稿集(Web). 2020. 2020
  • Noguchi Rina, Shimaki Yuri, Yoshikawa Makoto, Miyamoto Hideaki, Komatsu Goro, Watanabe Sei-ichiro, Ishihara Yoshiaki, Sasaki Sho, Hirabayashi Masatoshi, Hirata Naru, et al. Phoenix “Hayabusa” : A tale of the future (17) - The surface feature names of Ryugu -. Planetary People - The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences. 2019. 28. 1. 80-86
Books (2):
  • 火星の歩き方
    光文社 2021 ISBN:9784334045807
  • 「はやぶさ2」のすべて : 小惑星リュウグウ探査プロジェクト
    誠文堂新光社 2020 ISBN:9784416620649
Education (3):
  • 2012 - 2015 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Science
  • 2010 - 2012 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Science
  • 2006 - 2010 Tokai University School of Marine Science and Technology Department of Marine Mineral Resources
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(理学) (東京大学)
Work history (6):
  • 2024/06 - 現在 Niigata University Associate professor
  • 2021/04 - 2024/05 Niigata University
  • 2018/04 - 2021/03 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Researcher
  • 2016/04 - 2018/03 Tokyo Institute of Technology Volcanic Fluid Research Center Researcher
  • 2015/11 - 2016/03 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Geological Survey of Japan AIST Postdoctoral Researcher,
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Awards (8):
  • 2020/11 - 宇宙航空研究開発機構 理事長表彰
  • 2020/02 - 科学技術と経済の会 第8回技術経営・イノベーション大賞(科学技術と経済の会会長賞) はやぶさ2による未踏天体探査の完遂と新たな探査技術の確立
  • 2019/12 - 内閣総理大臣顕彰
  • 2019/07 - 日本SFファングループ連合会議 第50回星雲賞 自由部門 MINERVA-II1のリュウグウ着地及び小惑星移動探査
  • 2019/05 - クールジャパン協議会 COOL JAPAN AWARD 2019 【一般部門】アウトバウンドカテゴリー
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Association Membership(s) (4):
Japan Geoscience Union ,  American Geophysical Union ,  The Japanese Society for Planetary Science ,  The Volcanological Society oj Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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