J-GLOBAL ID:202001006667502700
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Takeshita Masanori
タケシタ マサノリ | Takeshita Masanori
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2013 - 2016 Making the chronological disaster information and archives of disaster stories in order to prevent repeated problems after severe disasters
- 2007 - 2009 The shape of the consciousness of illiterate societies in Nepal
- 1998 - 2003 The Comprehensive Development of Ecosystem-Reconstruction and Sustainable Biological Production in the Southwestern China
Papers (46):
Masanori Takeshita, Kishor Chandra Khanal, Manita Thapa, Hidetaka Ishikawa, Ayame Morishima. Effects of Hybrid Seeds on Smallholders' Agricultural Practices in Nepal and Its Latent Risk. Journal of International Development Studies. 2023. 32. 2. 47-70
Masanori TAKESHITA, Masahiro KUBO, Kazunori ONO, Tomoharu GOMI, Masamichi UGO, Hiromi MASUMITSU, Hajime GOTO, Masahiro TOMITA, Yoichi KANAMARU. Effects of Drip Fertigation with a Satellite System on Seeded Onion Yield in Hokkaido, Japan: Lessons Learnt from On-farm Experiments. Japanese Journal of Farm Work Research. 2023. 58. 1. 23-34
Masanori Takeshita. If agriculture becomes business, countrysides can attract people. Revitalization of local communities by learning Israeli agriculture. 2022. 9. 12-6
Masanori Takeshita. The Possibility of Food crisis caused by COVID-19: Discussion about Japanese food security compared with the results of farmers interviews in Nepal. Journal of International Development. 2021. 21. 1. 83-95
Takeshita Masanori. Survival Method of the Japanese Agriculture. Quarterly Journal of Peace Studies and Peace Policies. 2021. 229. 31-40
MISC (5):
Masanori Takeshita. Israel's business agriculture while the hardship of the war against Hamas. Japan Agricuture Newspaper. 2024
Masanori Takeshita. Procuring agricultural work force by non-slavery environment. Japan Agriculture Newspaper. 2023
Masanori Takeshita. Israeli extremely efficient agriculture. 2022. 11-11
Masanori Takeshita. Increasing agricultural exports of Japan by achieving high yield. Introduction of Israeli agriculture. The Japan Agri News. 2022
Masanori Takeshita. Israeli agricultural export strategy. 2022
Books (7):
Agriculture and Horticulture
Work book for the common test for university admissions in 2021
Agriculture that can save Japan. ICT Agriculture learnt from Israel.
Chikuma, Tokyo, Japan 2019
Encyclopedia of Watershed.
Important things for her, precious things for me.
Lectures and oral presentations (16):
The Agricuture of the futre that will save the Japan
Israeli leading-edge agricultural technologies
How can the Israeli technologies solve Japanese agricultural problems?
How can the Israeli technologies solve Japanese agricultural problems?
How can the Israeli technologies solve Japanese agricultural problems?
(Special Webinar in the Agricultural Research Organization (Israel) 2022)
Education (4):
- 2021 - 2022 Agricultural Research Organization, Israel (Volcani Center) Institute of Agricultural Engineering
- - 2004 Graduate School, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Agriculture
- - 1996 Graduate School, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Agriculture
- - 1994 Hokkaido University Faculty of Agriculture
Awards (1):
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